coal tar in Hindi

coal tar <N.>

  1. डामर "Coal tar is produced when gas is made from coal."

Sentence patterns related to "coal tar"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "coal tar" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "coal tar", or refer to the context using the word "coal tar" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Extract oils (coal), tar base; Acid extract

2. Distillates (coal tar), light oils, alkaline extracts; Alkaline extract

3. Extract residues (coal tar), benzole fraction alk., acid ext. ;

4. Crude Anthracene crystallizes from a high-boiling coal-tar fraction

5. Biphenyl occurs naturally in coal tar, crude oil, and natural gas

6. Aniline [an´ĭ-lin] an oily liquid from coal tar and indigo or prepared by reducing nitrobenzene; the parent substance of colors or dyes derived from coal tar

7. Prices slumped in the wake of severe competition from coal - tar dyes .

कोलतार निर्मित रंगों के साथ कडे मुकाबले के कारण मूल्यों में भी गिरावट आयी .

8. Distillates (coal tar), light oils, acid extracts; Light oil extract residues, high boiling

9. One byproduct he worked with was coal tar , which , when distilled, produced naphtha.

10. One Byproduct he worked with was coal tar , which , when distilled, produced naphtha.

11. Coal tar is a known Carcinogen and a by-product from coal processing

12. Anthracene (ăn´thrəsēn), C14H10, solid organic compound derived from coal tar [1]

13. [36] IARC, NTP and EPA classify coal tar as a known human Carcinogen.

14. They first pelted the statue with stones; then smothered its face with coal tar.

उन्होंने पहले मूर्तियों को पत्थरों से पलट दिया; फिर कोयला टैर के साथ अपना चेहरा परेशान किया।

15. Anthracene definition is - a crystalline tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbon C14H10 obtained from coal-tar distillation.

16. Paraffin waxes (coal), brown-coal high-temp tar, silicic acid-treated; Coal tar extract

17. Coal provides numerous raw materials like benozle, Coal tar, sulphate of ammonia, creosote, etc

18. 3,4-Benzpyrene is primarily found in gasoline and diesel exhaust, cigarette smoke, coal tar and coal tar pitch, charcoal-broiled foods and certain other foods, amino acids, fatty acids and carbohydrate pyrolysis products, soot smoke

19. Carbolic acid, also known as phenyl alcohol, is a weak acid distilled from coal tar

20. Bituminized fiber pipe A lightweight drainage pipe fabricated of cellulose fiber combined with coal tar

21. Cresol is a hydroxytoluene that can be extracted naturally from coal tar or made synthetically

22. Anthracene oil, also called green oil, consists of three benzene rings derived from coal tar

23. Extract residues (coal tar), benzole fraction alk., acd ext. ; Light oil extract residues, low boiling

24. (The extract from coal tar oil produced by an alkaline wash such as aqueous sodium hydroxide.

25. In industry, Cresols are obtained from coal tar, resin, and pitch and by synthesis from toluene

26. Pitch from Byproducts of the petroleum and coal-tar–based chemical industry is a thermoplastic material

27. It is free of alcohols, benzalkonium chloride, Butylates, coal tar, dyes, EDTA, ethanolamines, formaldehyde, hydroquinone, methylchloroisothiazolinone

28. Asphalt-based crack fillers are a safer and more environmentally-friendly alternative to coal tar sealers

29. [The extract from coal tar oil produced by an alkaline wash such as aqueous sodium hydroxide.

30. Acriflavine is an orange coloured dye, derivative of coal tar & traditionally used as a topical antiseptic

31. The ubiquitous compound can be found in coal tar, tobacco smoke and many foods, especially grilled meats.

32. (The fraction of tar acids, rich in 3,5-dimethylphenol, recovered by distillation of low-temperature coal tar acids.)

33. Anthracene is derived from coal tar and is primarily used as an intermediate in the production of dyes.

34. [The fraction of tar acids, rich in 3,5-dimethylphenol, recovered by distillation of low-temperature coal tar acids.]

35. The Cresols are important components of creosote, a wood preservative produced as a by-product of coal tar distillation

36. Acridine: [ an´thrah-sēn ] a crystalline hydrocarbon, C 14 h 10 , from coal tar, used in making dyes.

37. Carbolic soap is a mild disinfectant soap that contains Carbolic acid, a compound that is extracted from coal tar.

38. Cresol (krē`sōl), CH 3 C 6 H 4 OH, any one of three aromatic alcohols present in coal tar

39. Cresols is an aromatic organic compound and obtained from coal tar or petroleum as a mixture of three stereoisomers i.e

40. Other names: Anthracin; Green Oil; Paranaphthalene; Tetra Olive N2G; Anthracene oil; p-Naphthalene; Anthracen; Coal tar pitch volatiles:anthracene; Sterilite hop defoliant

41. The Cresols are obtained from coal tar or petroleum, usually as a mixture of the three stereoisomers (molecules with the same

42. 26 A new family shampoo comes by way of Cuticura Medicated Shampoo, with an original coal tar formula that helps prevent dandruff.

43. Acridine definition is - a colorless crystalline compound C13H9N occurring in coal tar and important as the parent compound of dyes and pharmaceuticals.

44. Bakelite is an early polymer, comprised of a phenol-formaldehyde mixture, with Phenol being derived from coal tar, and Formaldehyde derived from methanol

45. What does Anthracene mean? A crystalline aromatic hydrocarbon, C14 H10 , extracted from coal tar and used in the manufacture of dyes and organic ch

46. Anthracene, a tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbon found in coal tar and used as a starting material for the manufacture of dyestuffs and in scintillation counters

47. After Friedlieb Runge isolated it from coal tar in 1834, a number of scientists recognized the efficacy of Carbolic acid in preventing decay and

48. What does Acridine mean? A coal tar derivative, C13 H9 N, that has an irritating odor, used in the manufacture of dyes and synthetics

49. Acridine definition, a colorless, crystalline solid, C13H9N, usually obtained from the anthracine fraction of coal tar: used chiefly in the synthesis of dyes and drugs

50. Also known as middle oil, Carbolic oil is a fraction that is extracted via coal-tar distillation that typically contains tar acids, and often, naphthalene