yow in English

used to express pain or shock.
And yow , it hurts now the anaesthetic is wearing off.

Use "yow" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "yow" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "yow", or refer to the context using the word "yow" in the English Dictionary.

1. God save yow, that Boghte agayn mankinde, And yow amende!’—thus seyde this olde man

2. Young menj "'God save yow, that Boghte agayn mankynde, / And yow amende!"1 (766-67)

3. God save yow, that Boghte agayn mankynde, 766

4. To yow Aboven every creature, Sin that my lyf may no lenger dure

5. I schal Biteche yow þo two þat tayt arn & quoynt, & laykez wyth hem as yow lyst, & letez my gestes one.' Þenne þe rebaudez so ronk rerd such a noyse

6. And he answerde and seyde thus, 'Madame, I pray yow that ye take it nat Agrief.

7. Shellac also played a Halloween show as Sex Pistols, featuring former Jesus Lizard and Scratch Acid singer David Yow as Johnny Rotten.

8. God save yow, that Boghte agayn mankynde, And yow amende!" Thus seyde this olde man; And everich of thise riotoures ran Til he cam to that tree, and ther they founde 770 Of floryns fyne of gold ycoyned rounde Wel ny an eighte busshels, as hem thoughte

9. Though in this toun is noon Apothecarie, I shal myself to herbes techen yow, That shul been for youre hele and for youre prow

10. God save yow, that Boghte agayn mankynde, And yow amende!"1 In this passage the treasure, which critics of the tale have regarded as primary in the action of the story, appears in a context which the narrator spends time particularizing and identifying, narrowing his focus from "wey" to "grove" to "tree" to "ook." The oak tree here is

11. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court “O conquerour of Brutes Albyon,” he added, “which that by lyne and free eleccion been verray kyng, this song to yow I sende, and ye, that mowen alle oure harmes Amende, have mynde upon my supplicacion.”

12. (13) 'So god as Gawayn gaynly is halden, And cortaysye is closed so clene in hymseluen, Couth not lyztly haf lenged so long wyth a lady, Bot he had Craued a cosse, bi his courtaysye, Bi sum towch of summe tryfle at sum talez ende.' hen quop Wowen: 'Iwysse, worpe as yow lykez; I schal kysse at your comaundement, as a knyzt fallez, (SGGK III, 52