wrapped in yield in English

ate of profit that is included in the cost of an investment

Use "wrapped in yield" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "wrapped in yield" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "wrapped in yield", or refer to the context using the word "wrapped in yield" in the English Dictionary.

1. Axion is an ethical, community-driven cryptocurrency that rewards long-term investing with high-yield interest rates and weekly dividends in wrapped BTC.

2. Wrapped in bandages.

3. He wrapped himself in a blanket.

4. She wrapped the baby in a blanket.

5. Each apple was individually wrapped in paper.

6. He kept the club wrapped in sackcloth.

7. We got really wrapped up in it.

8. I wrapped the baby in a blanket.

9. Some carried babies wrapped in similar cloth.

10. His hands were wrapped in gauze bandages.

11. I wrapped the sandwiches in kitchen foil.

12. Forensics just wrapped.

13. Significant differences were not found in theoretical yield and yield characters under reasonable density.

14. He found two pots, each wrapped in newspaper.

15. Bacon Wrapped SCallop Brochure [PDF] Wanchese SCallops wrapped in bacon are a great way to win over your guests

16. We wrapped the newly bought roses in cellophane.

17. His hands were wrapped in gauze bandages. Sentencedict.com

18. The present was beautifully wrapped in gold paper.

19. Jamie snugly wrapped in a white woolen scarf.

20. The optimum yield is not necessarily the theoretical yield or even the maximum possible yield.

21. The gun was wrapped in a dirty rag.

22. 25 Each apple was individually wrapped in paper.

23. Betel nuts wrapped in a betel-pepper leaf

24. He came out alive, still wrapped in graveclothes.

25. Meaning wrapped up in waffle Meaning may be wrapped in so many layers of words or unnecessary phrases that it almost disappears.