world economy in English


economy of the world, exchange of goods and services between countries

Use "world economy" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "world economy" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "world economy", or refer to the context using the word "world economy" in the English Dictionary.

1. Six years later, the whole world economy collapsed.

2. It signified China's deeper integration into the world economy.

3. Euro-zone and world economy as a whole are agog.

4. 26 . Viewpoint : China , the " leading dragon " of the World Economy

5. But the parlous state of the world economy demands nothing less.

6. Consider the implications of this tripartite division of the world economy.

7. Boatloads of Cargo Off Los Angeles Grind Gears of World Economy By

8. We are also seeing the gravity of world economy shifting towards Asia.

9. The world economy 2001 will grow blandly, add fast will under 2000.

10. The world economy has strengthened, with signs of improvement in some advanced economies.

11. I think that augurs well for the future recovery of the world economy.

12. Nowadays the tendency of regionalization and conglomeration in world economy have continuously strengthened.

13. One of Park's main goals was to end the poverty of South Korea, and lift the country up from being a Third World economy to a First World economy via etatist methods.

14. 8. The world economy has strengthened, with signs of improvement in some advanced economies.

15. The GDP value of Burundi represents less than 0.01 percent of the world economy

16. The metal's price movements are widely believed to prefigure shifts in the world economy.

17. The fascinating turmoil in the world economy continues to shape the study of international economics.

18. ii) Greater integration with the world economy is of benefit to India and its people;

19. The quotas of emerging countries will now better reflect their weight in the world economy.

20. Burundi Global Economic Prospects examines trends for the world economy and how they affect developing countries

21. Bhutan Global Economic Prospects examines trends for the world economy and how they affect developing countries

22. 20 With the world economy wobbling, this prolonged conflict is something Thailand could badly do without.

23. The recovery of the world economy from the shock waves of the Asian crisis was broadly welcomed.

24. In order to bring the world economy back on track, domestic economic situations also needed to be addressed

25. The Asian continent was the centre of gravity of the world economy for much of the previous millennium.

26. A new study says cancer is more devastating to the world economy than any other cause of death .

27. We want to create the conditions for Greece to be able to recover its place in the world economy...

28. The other equilibria are with all factors of production concentrated in one country, thus achieving the integrated world economy.

29. As one source put it, “The most prominent feature of the world economy during 1979 was an acceleration in inflation.”

30. We express our concern over the harmful impact of tax evasion, transnational fraud and aggressive tax planning on the world economy.

31. The Bretton Woods agreement near the end of World War II became an effective tool for reworking a shattered world economy.

32. Failure to reach a deal would rattle a world economy still trying to put the 2008 downturn behind it , analysts say .

33. The researcher said the high expectations for virtualization are due largely to the improving world economy and resultant loosening of IT budgets .

34. Bitcoin News is the world's premier 24/7 news feed covering everything Bitcoin-related, including world economy, exchange rates and money politics.

35. Keynes offered a mathematically elegant solution to why the world economy had stagnated and how government deficit spending could bring prompt recovery.

36. While coordinated response to the crisis has helped avoid further collapse of the world economy, the crisis has by no means blown over.

37. In 1996 he graduated in accounting from the University of National and World Economy, and in 2005 - philosophy at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski".

38. Businesses are open systems; the world economy is a closed system, with feedback effects that are crucial but play no role in ordinary business experience.

39. But Chief Executive Mark Parker did talk of a "swoosh recovery," equating gradual improvement in the world economy with the upward curve of the company's logo.

40. We strive for an open world economy with efficient allocation of resources, free flow of goods, and fair and orderly competition to the benefit of all.

41. "The greatest risk to the world economy today is that the largest economies underachieve on growth," Geithner said October 6 at the Brookings Institution in Washington.

42. It was at that moment in that dumb restaurant with that stupid look on his face that Mark Baum realized that the whole world economy might collapse.

43. WASHINGTON, January 15, 2013 – Four years after the onset of the global financial crisis, the world economy remains fragile and growth in high-income countries is weak.

44. What is taking place today throughout the world economy is a clear, advance warning signal that we are nearing the end of the present economic systems on earth.

45. In the second half of the year stock prices were further bolstered by continuously improving corporate earnings, abating stock market uncertainty and a brighter outlook for the world economy

46. They reaffirm their strong support for an open world economy with efficient allocation of resources, free flow of goods and fair and orderly competition to the benefit of all.

47. A truly unified world economy would also mean that rates of interest and profit would have to be equal everywhere -- because if they weren't, the differences would be Arbitraged …

48. The world economy shrank by 2.0 per cent in 2009, down from the positive, albeit modest, growth rate recorded in 2008, with activity slowing in both developed and developing economies.

49. 15 The need to change the pattern of growth in the world economy should not become an excuse for mercantilism fraudulently to present itself in a superficially more constructive form.

50. Since gaining independence from the British colonial rule on the 4th of July 1776, Americans have contributed a lot to the world economy and the development of science and technology.