within his authority in English

obeying what he is permitted legally

Use "within his authority" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "within his authority" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "within his authority", or refer to the context using the word "within his authority" in the English Dictionary.

1. The decision is seen as an assertion of his authority within the company.

2. “national designated authority” means a designated authority within the meaning of the relevant acts of Union law.’

3. “Lord” refers to his authority.

4. He likes to exert his authority.

5. He often misuses his authority to tyrannize his underlings.

6. His enemies are spreading rumours to undermine his authority.

7. Like his Father, Jesus does not jealously guard his authority.

8. How should a husband exercise his authority?

9. In case the Adjudicating authority fails to dispose of the matter within the specified period, then the Adjudicating Authority shall record reasons in …

10. • His armor of Affable authority was easily pierced

11. The Adjudicating authority helps in winding up companies within a limited period of time

12. — A harbour authority within the meaning of section 57 of the Harbours Act 1964

13. For example, the social services department within a local authority is a functional department.

14. Little by little he usurped his boss's authority.

15. Nobody has the authority to overrule his decision.

16. His armor of affable authority was easily pierced.

17. His critics say his fumbling of the issue of reform has eroded his authority.

18. A king's presence is the presence of his authority.

19. 4 The Prime Minister aimed to reassert his authority.

20. During his absences, Belshazzar was consigned the administrative authority.

21. He plans to delegate more authority to his deputies.

22. (Genesis 19:17-22) Did Jehovah abdicate his authority?

23. Herod’s control over Judea was total; his authority, absolute.

24. His deliberate denouncement of the degenerating delegation denotes his defiance of the authority.

25. His authority and, by implication, that of his management team is under threat.