wishful thinking in English

thoughtfulness, thoughts coming just from the heart

Use "wishful thinking" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "wishful thinking" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "wishful thinking", or refer to the context using the word "wishful thinking" in the English Dictionary.

1. Freudian slip, or wishful thinking?

2. None of this is wishful thinking.

3. Which sounded like wishful thinking to me.

4. This, he realized, was wishful thinking.

5. Much of this was wishful thinking.

6. Or is such a hope only wishful thinking?

7. 11 Others are blinded by wishful thinking.

8. That hope is not mere wishful thinking.

9. Such wishful thinking of theirs will never be realized.

10. He laughed and accused me of wishful thinking .

11. It is wishful thinking to expect deeper change under his leadership.

12. A Practical Joke or Wishful Thinking From the Trump Campaign

13. Her virginity statement was not a piece of wishful thinking.

14. His claims to be a millionaire are just wishful thinking.

15. This, I am sorry to say, is almost entirely wishful thinking.

16. This is no pipe dream, nor is it wishful thinking.

17. 11 Such wishful thinking of theirs will never be realized.

18. But maybe that is the worst sort of wishful thinking.

19. It's wishful thinking to expect Phil to help you, he's a goldbrick.

20. I really do believe that, and, no, it ain't wishful thinking.

21. Personally I see this as wishful thinking rather than practical logic.

22. I think she rather likes me. But maybe that's just wishful thinking.

23. Three coins from a dead man's pocket, two teaspoons of wishful thinking.

24. To most people this might sound like little more than wishful thinking.

25. Lomas, for instance, finds his pleasure in wishful thinking about the war.

26. Motivational explanations involve an effect of desire on belief, sometimes called "wishful thinking".

27. However, such optimism has to be based on fact, not just on wishful thinking.

28. He had, for the absolute briefest time , let wishful thinking about results overrule his scientific caution.

29. I've got a feeling that Alex likes me, but that might just be wishful thinking.

30. In our wishful thinking about the 1960s, no figures occupy a more prominent place than the Kennedys.

31. Much of this belief is soundly based in experience but part of it is based on wishful thinking.

32. You also have to imagine that some of the other respondents were engaged in wishful thinking.

33. Might it be that Marx faced facts while others sought the dubious shelter of wishful thinking?

34. I think her condition is improving but it may just be wishful thinking on my part.

35. The government claimed that its policies were grounded on realities of situation and not on wishful thinking.

36. God’s promise of “a new earth” in which “righteousness is to dwell” is not mere wishful thinking.

37. On a scale of 1 to iconic beauty moments, Drew Barrymore’s blonde pixie cut circa the Wishful Thinking era …

38. Mere logic and abstinence from wishful thinking had enabled Milner to summarise the story of the next sixty years.

39. Hopes that scientists have found a cure for baldness now seem based more on wishful thinking than reality.

40. (Hebrews 11:1) Clearly, God encourages, not blind credulity or wishful thinking, but solid faith built on evidence.

41. Prices seem to have stopped rising in the shops, or is that just wishful thinking on my part?

42. To demand and receive a pledge of honest advertising from political candidates is the furthest form of wishful thinking.

43. Wishful thinking made political partisans more optimistic about their own party's prospects and more inclined to forecast their opponents' defeat.

44. 16 To imagine that randomness could create even a single functional formation of any sort even once is sophomoric wishful thinking.

45. The most obvious is that it helps you prepare your position so that it is based on facts rather than speculation or wishful thinking.

46. 23 This account shows that the resurrection of the dead is not mere wishful thinking; it is a heartwarming Bible teaching and a proven historical reality.

47. In fact, FOX News reported that " Obama bin Laden" was dead. Freudian slip , or wishful thinking? It wasn't even the only one that they made.

48. The Bops wonder in "Wishful Thinking"), but they do offer the perfect, sing-a-long complement for the twosome s intoxicating, foot-tapping melodies

49. In its original form, the report shows an enormous amount of amateurish enthusiasm and a somewhat unrealistic attempt to ignore the reality of electricity supplies today, as well as presenting a catalogue of wishful thinking.

50. And when National Geographic assigned an investigative reporter to find out how a fossil hoax ended up in its pages, the reporter spoke of “a tale of misguided secrecy and misplaced confidence, of rampant egos clashing, self-aggrandizement, wishful thinking, naive assumptions, human error, stubbornness, manipulation, backbiting, lying, [and] corruption.”