wild cat in English

(of a strike) sudden and unofficial.
legislation to curb wildcat strikes
a small native Eurasian and African cat that is typically gray with black markings and a bushy tail, noted for its ferocity.
Over the years, Owen Newman and I had filmed cheetahs, lions, leopards, African wildcats and servals (for the first ever film of them) but never caracals.
prospect for oil.
Although Krajick's book about a pair of wildcatting prospectors is set mostly in Canada's Northwest Territories during the 1990s, the hostility and paranoia on display are the same as at the Namibian mine.

Use "wild cat" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "wild cat" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "wild cat", or refer to the context using the word "wild cat" in the English Dictionary.

1. Well, we caught the wild cat.

2. The dog struggled fiercely with the wild cat.

3. I was dreaming of an enormous... wild cat that was hanging from my finger.

4. It was like a East Coast thing at Wild Cat for extreme snowboarding competition.

5. The Bobcat (Lynx rufus) is a medium sized member of the North American wild cat family

6. 19 However, other species in the Felidae family also purr: bobcat, cheetah, Eurasian lynx, puma, and wild cat.

7. A wild cat passes near, somebody spots a yak, there is talk of a new plague of wolves.

8. The Clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) is a wild cat inhabiting dense forests from the foothills of the Himalayas through mainland Southeast Asia into southern China

9. If you love a cat with an exotic look but without the size and danger of a wild cat, the Bengal was developed with you in mind

10. That colt went off as ferce as a wild-cat, and come back as quiet as a Cosset lamb.: Well would the King, to save his soul, placate and Cosset his wife.: So you may, and I will feed you as if you were my Cosset lamb.

11. The fawn, prodactyl, and thing-a-ma-jig, The rackaboor, the hellangone, The whangdoodle, Batfowl and pig, The coyote, wild-cat and grizzly in a glow, In a miracle of health and speed, the whole breed abreast, The leaped the Mississippi, blue border of the West, From the Gulf to Canada, two thousand miles long:- Against the towns of Tubal Cain