Use "widespread" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "widespread" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "widespread", or refer to the context using the word "widespread" in the English Dictionary.

1. The atrocity caused widespread indignation.

2. The hurricane caused widespread devastation.

3. The bomb caused widespread devastation.

4. The strike caused widespread disruption .

5. Poverty is widespread, but Bangladesh …

6. Carpathians Anticlassicalist fracted nuncupating widespread

7. English is a widespread language.

8. Plastic is in widespread use.

9. This practice is extremely widespread.

10. The proposal provoked widespread criticism.

11. Contradictions are widespread in the bible

12. Illiteracy is widespread among the poor.

13. Good economic indicators masked widespread unease.

14. Arvensis) and the widespread viper's Bugloss

15. "Widespread election violence erupts in Nigeria".

16. Malnutrition became widespread in the city.

17. The new laws gained widespread acceptance.

18. Illiteracy was widespread at that time.

19. There was widespread support for the war.

20. The institution of slavery was once widespread.

21. The decision met with widespread public disapproval.

22. This widespread pessimism does not seem justified.

23. Gold mining in Alaska is widespread.

24. The allegations received widespread media coverage.

25. The storm surge caused widespread flooding.

26. Bacteriocin production is widespread among bacteria

27. 9 The proposal provoked widespread criticism.

28. Anandamide has widespread effects on the body …

29. How did religion lose its widespread appeal?

30. In the rural areas, illiteracy is widespread.

31. He has an incurable and widespread nepotism.

32. There are widespread rumours of job losses.

33. The new laws have gained widespread acceptance.

34. The minister's resignation was given widespread coverage.

35. 5 Illiteracy was widespread at that time.

36. Of these only 10BASE-FL experienced widespread use.

37. In the ancient games, champions enjoyed widespread admiration.

38. There is widespread support for the new proposals.

39. The move was greeted with widespread international condemnation.

40. The resulting fires led to widespread air pollution.

41. The adverse consequences of widespread rumour- mongering

42. The war will cause widespread human suffering.

43. News of this plan caused widespread alarm.

44. The news was greeted with widespread dismay.

45. Crocodiles are the most widespread Crocodilian species

46. Asecretory POEMS Syndrome with Widespread Osteosclerotic Lesions

47. His ideas have won widespread public approval .

48. CA: And releasing this caused widespread outrage.

49. Their idiotic suggestions met with widespread opposition.

50. There was widespread condemnation of the invasion.