wheedled in English

employ endearments or flattery to persuade someone to do something or give one something.
you can contrive to wheedle your way onto a court

Use "wheedled" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "wheedled" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "wheedled", or refer to the context using the word "wheedled" in the English Dictionary.

1. She wheedled me into lending her my new coat.

2. 2 He wheedled money from his father with considerable finesse.

3. They have wheedled a holiday from the headmaster.

4. He wheedled money from his father with considerable finesse.

5. 1 They have wheedled a holiday from the headmaster.

6. 19 We wheedled the book ourselves out of that gullible weakling Fleming over at Dull.

7. Supposing she let them down after dear Franz Busacher had connived and wheedled to make her acceptable to Gesner?

8. "For 11 long years, Saddam has side-stepped, Crawfished, wheedled out of any agreements he had made not to develop weapons of mass destruction

9. Synonyms for Cozied up include insinuated, pandered, ingratiated yourself, curry favoured with, curry favored with, made overtures, wormed your way in, wheedled, curried favour and got in with

10. ‘‘For 11 long years, he has sidestepped, Crawfished, wheedled out of any agreements he had made not to develop weapons of mass destruction,’ he said.’ ‘If there were a shred of sense in this analogy, hunting would have been banned five years ago, whereas in fact he has ‘Crawfished…

11. ‘‘For 11 long years, he has sidestepped, Crawfished, wheedled out of any agreements he had made not to develop weapons of mass destruction,’ he said.’ ‘If there were a shred of sense in this analogy, hunting would have been banned five years ago, whereas in fact he has ‘Crawfished…