well enough in English

good enough, pretty good; very good, very well

Use "well enough" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "well enough" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "well enough", or refer to the context using the word "well enough" in the English Dictionary.

1. I know well enough their hardship.

2. You don't know the bush well enough.

3. I begged you to leave well enough alone.

4. On the contrary, he doubted his ability to speak well enough.

5. 21 He is wise that knows when he’s well enough

6. 7 He is wise that knows when he’s well enough

7. I hardly think we know each other well enough for that, princess.

8. "Are you well enough to carry on?" — "Of course," she responded scornfully.

9. He knew the hospital well enough to find the side ward without difficulty.

10. Most of us don't know our neighbors well enough to meddle with their lives.

11. 22 The Duke was not well enough to carry out such an exacting task.

12. How can she possibly know somebody well enough to get married, the little ninny!

13. I can rough it well enough ; but you, my dear, how will you bear it?

14. In a typical case, if you don't cook pork well enough, you digest live tapeworm larvae.

15. I knew the rule well enough, but in that split second it never entered my head.

16. You know me well enough to understand that I never could have Contemplateda marriage of convenience.

17. He walked off disconsolate: he knew he had played well enough to win and had not.

18. As long as I'm well enough to serve the court, that's where I want to be.

19. Marion Crawford, Saracinesca ‎ [1]: It had done well enough for a thousand years, it would do well enough still; it had stood firm against fierce sieges in the dark ages of the Roman Baronry, it could afford to stand unchanged

20. Only about 15 percent of the known species have been studied well enough to evaluate their status.

21. A pretty, rustic affectation of innocence that, to such as can not see into her, may pass well enough.

22. Two days earlier I'd cancelled an appointment with a psychic healer, thinking perhaps I should leave well enough alone.

23. He was paid well enough for his availability, but that wasn't the only reason why he was so obsessively conscientious.

24. He had had no time to acquaint himself with his fief, twice seen, and well enough served by its own.

25. Amnesics learned the definitions well enough so that months after the final learning session they could still supply the term

26. 25 A pretty, rustic affectation of innocence that, to such as can not see into her, may pass well enough.

27. Heart failure means that the heart muscle is not pumping well enough to meet the need for oxygen-rich blood.

28. But no, for Dorothea might ask if she felt well enough to go away, might start prying into her affairs.

29. Who was there here who knew her well enough to discern and identify any flaws in her own polished public persona?

30. 22 He was paid well enough for his availability, but that wasn't the only reason why he was so obsessively conscientious.

31. Crispr works well enough in the lab, in a dish of human cells, but as with any technology, there are glitches

32. Once Dylan was well enough to resume creative work, he began to edit D. A. Pennebaker's film of his 1966 tour.

33. 28 Homeless patients receive medication to get well enough to return to the streets where they live until their next psychotic episode.

34. Axemen fare acceptably against cavalry if they outnumber them well enough, although the Spearman is always a better choice to occupy this role

35. ‘The tenor and bass solos were less successful, partly because the soloists did not project well enough and Audibility was a serious problem.’

36. Those standard Cayennes get around well enough, but with the Cayenne Coupe, Porsche really wants to sell the sportiness that the rakish roofline is …

37. Well enough to deserve praise or approval The team performed Creditably. in a way that is morally good They very Creditably tried to help.

38. An inquiry-Based curriculum requires both planning and flexibility, as well as a teacher knowing the students well enough to anticipate their interests and limits

39. You can have a virus where people feel well enough while they're infectious that they get on a plane or they go to a market.

40. Tychicus thus had to relay personal information, explain Paul’s circumstances in Rome, and grasp conditions in the congregations well enough to be able to provide encouragement.

41. “There are times when the feeling of panic makes some activities seem impossible, and there are days when I can’t even concentrate well enough to read.

42. Fortunately I know my material well enough that I was able to do a good job delivering the content when the correct slide was on the screen.

43. Small sounds, but I knew myself well enough to be worried: in the midst of the gay conversation and music, all I heard were clinkings and Clatterings …

44. Bully is a very good film that explores the darkest corners of revenge and it does very well enough to keep you interested till the very end

45. Either Walker was very lucky to get away as quickly as he did, or he knew this mosque well enough to use it as an escape route.

46. The majority of them argued their cases well enough to justify their nomination to the Court of Auditors, where they will carry out their duties Capably and independently

47. If they have been afebrile for 72 hours, have not developed cough or shortness of breath, and are feeling well enough to travel, they should be allowed to board.

48. The lodgers and Codgers are only together for a week (both sets rub along well enough in the end but both Liam and Nicole decide not to impose on …

49. She explains: “When I talk to my parents and want to elaborate on how I feel about certain matters, I find that I just can’t speak their language well enough.”

50. Tombs is a confirmed Brexiteer. But he knows well enough that England is not an island, and that Siegfried’s geographical determinism has been undermined at many points by later researchers.