way of thinking in English

method of thinking, thought process, manner of working things out

Use "way of thinking" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "way of thinking" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "way of thinking", or refer to the context using the word "way of thinking" in the English Dictionary.

1. This town's way of thinking is rotten.

2. To my way of thinking, God is time.

3. He hauled round to my way of thinking.

4. He hauled around to my way of thinking.

5. I can't understand her way of thinking at all.

6. I'm not really attuned to his way of thinking.

7. 12 He'll come round to our way of thinking.

8. He calls this way of thinking the " immanent frame "

9. To my way of thinking, preachers were not manly enough.

10. All of history Accustoms us to this way of thinking.

11. 13 She'll never come round to our way of thinking.

12. Can I bring you round to my way of thinking?

13. 14 He'll never come round to our way of thinking.

14. I'll try to work him to my way of thinking.

15. To my way of thinking, to do that would be dishonest.

16. The disciples who abandoned Jesus betrayed a fleshly way of thinking.

17. With some difficulty I brought him to my way of thinking.

18. To my way of thinking, you behaved rudely before your mother.

19. To my way of thinking, they are making a serious mistake.

20. To my way of thinking, the plan should never have been approved.

21. To my way of thinking, they shouldn't be building so many roads.

22. 4:10) Although it took time, they adjusted their way of thinking.

23. I brought him round to my way of thinking in the end.

24. Well, to my way of thinking , they should have done that years ago.

25. The artist, to my way of thinking, is a monstrosity, something outside nature.

26. Banner Solutions represents a different way of thinking about the things that matter

27. To my way of thinking. he is the right person for the job.

28. I did not succeed in fetching him round to my way of thinking.

29. My way of thinking might be different from yours, but it's equally valid.

30. The problem stems from your way of thinking, not from a real ineptitude.

31. And naturally these have been made attune to the American way of thinking.

32. Covetousness is a way of thinking that disregards and resists God’s status and …

33. Well, today this singular way of thinking will be put to the test.

34. We fail to focus on matters in line with Jesus’ way of thinking.

35. Both deserve my obedience , even if it becomes inconvenient to my way of thinking.

36. Invariably, your close associates will have a strong influence on your way of thinking.

37. To my way of thinking, it would just be a massive waste of money.

38. Most importantly, to his way of thinking, he preferred his staff to be men.

39. Mother came around to my way of thinking, thus making life a lot easier.

40. Awakening is a journey of personal Awakening to a new way of thinking and living

41. That's the moment when you have to wake up from the automatic way of thinking.

42. Bioregionalism is an innovative way of thinking about place and planet from an ecological perspective

43. But the Canaanite woman, quite rightly, sees the whole in this entire way of thinking

44. I think the trouble lies in people's egocentric way of thinking, and what's your opinion?

45. We must be whole-souled in our desire to have Christ’s “mental disposition,” or “way of thinking.”

46. Through the centuries, Confucian concepts have wielded a strong hold on Chinese culture and way of thinking.

47. (Ephesians 6:4) Kindly but firmly, this discipline is to regulate youth in Jehovah’s way of thinking.

48. This way of thinking has given us powers that al-Hazen himself would have regarded as wizardry.

49. To my way of thinking, it didn't seem as if it ought to be so terribly complicated.

50. Kant’s Apperception, they left out the relation ship between Apperception and intuition in Kant’s way of thinking