waveguides in English

a metal tube or other device confining and conveying microwaves.
The microwaves are conducted through copper waveguides to the copper tube of the accelerator.

Use "waveguides" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "waveguides" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "waveguides", or refer to the context using the word "waveguides" in the English Dictionary.

1. Acoustic horn waveguides

2. Integration of hollow waveguides, channels and horns by lithographic and etching techniques

3. Optical glass waveguides microcopy is a new promising technology based on SPM.

4. Researchers fabricated nano-structured waveguides made of a thin layer of alumina coated with gold or silver, gold- and silver-coated daisy-like surface nanostructures, and porous anodic alumina-aluminium plasmonic waveguides.

5. The waveguides are quartz-glass fibres (3) which can convey both acoustic and light energy.

6. Note that the refractive indices of these ARROWs are reversed, when comparing to usual waveguides.

7. Tunable rf filter device using optical waveguides with dispersion slopes of opposite signs and related methods

8. Finally, for periodic waveguides, we develop a new method called truncated eigen-function expansion approach.

9. An absorbing boundary condition ( ABC ) for both traveling and evanescent waves within waveguides is presented.

10. The gain medium-semiconductor material interface is defined along each of the plurality of optical waveguides.

11. An acoustic metamaterial, which amplifies acoustic waves, comprises a plate having formed therein a plurality of acoustic waveguides in a fixed pattern such that the acoustic waveguides pass through one side and the other side, wherein the plate is provided such that the acoustic waveguides are positioned at a fixed distance away and face one another with respect to a central point, a central axis or a central side.

12. These waveguides may also be electrically biased to alter the index of refraction and/or absorption of the waveguide.

13. The complex propagation constants of parallel plate waveguides with lossy dielectric slab close to one half plane are investigated.

14. The transitional coupler (150) which is based on a taper and a grating (155) enables the mode expansion and adiabatic transition between both waveguides.

15. Laser Cleaving uses precision laser technology to accurately and precisely terminate optical fibers, with flat or angled facets on a broad range of fiber types and waveguides

16. TeO2 glasses have high refractive indices and transmit into the mid-infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum, therefore they are of technological interest for optical waveguides.

17. They can be used in optical systems such as lenses, prisms, corrected lens systems, achromatic lenses, lighting and projection systems, waveguides, optical coatings and substrates for optical coatings.

18. The present invention pertains to the field of radio measuring techniques and more precisely relates to methods for measuring the frequency characteristics of passive quadripoles in waveguides (transmission lines with dispersion properties).

19. Electric cables and leads, in particular high-voltage cables, mains current cables, telecommunication cables, high frequency cables, sea cables, aerial cables, insulated wires, all the aforementioned cables, leads and wires made of or including metal conductors and/or optical waveguides