watertight plan in English

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Use "watertight plan" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "watertight plan" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "watertight plan", or refer to the context using the word "watertight plan" in the English Dictionary.

1. Watertight metal bulkheads

2. Close all watertight doors!

3. Her refutation is watertight.

4. Pelican Protective Cases are watertight

5. No organisation is watertight, James.

6. It's foolproof, watertight, totally convincing.

7. 13. Openings in watertight bulkheads (R 15)

8. 13 Openings in watertight bulkheads (R 15)

9. 10 It's foolproof, watertight,[www.Sentencedict.com] totally convincing.

10. Brushstroke Vase features: Handmade Watertight Protective bottom pads

11. The watertight gates remain open at this point.

12. The cameras had been stored in watertight containers.

13. Requirements of a Cofferdam: It should be reasonably watertight

14. The device can form a watertight or airtight seal.

15. It seemed the basketwork was not as watertight as intended.

16. The watertight housing even permits the use under adverse conditions.

17. Close all the watertight doors of the Culture Park station.

18. The 3D printed objects are air- and watertight for several weeks.

19. The covers of Kingston valves and ice boxes must be watertight.

20. he covers of Kingston valves and ice boxes must be watertight

21. Watertight integrity from the ro-ro deck (bulkhead deck) to spaces below (R

22. 16 Watertight integrity of passenger ships above the margin line (R 20)

23. The hull was split into twelve watertight compartments, although Pommern had thirteen compartments.

24. Watertight Bulkheads are vertically designed watertight divisions/walls within the ship’s structure to avoid ingress of water in the compartment if the adjacent compartment is flooded due to damage in ship’s hull.

25. Closed, shut, sealed, waterproof, watertight, stopped up Store the biscuits in an Airtight container.