volva in English

(in certain fungi) a veil that encloses the fruiting body, often persisting after rupture as a sheath at the base of the stalk.
Amanitas have many superficial resemblances which can confuse amateur mushroom hunters: it is better to avoid veiled mushrooms with bulbed bases or volvas unless you are very experienced with mushrooms.

Use "volva" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "volva" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "volva", or refer to the context using the word "volva" in the English Dictionary.

1. Doody briefly described the mushroom like so: "fungus pulverulentus, coli instar perforatus, cum volva stellata" (a powdery mushroom, perforated like a colander, with a star-shaped volva), and went on to explain that he found it in 1695 in Kent.

2. The root for the generic name Volvariella (as well as Volvaria and Volvariopsis, genera in which the species had been formerly placed) derives from the Latin volva, meaning "wrapper" or "a covering".

3. Among the Mushrooms A Guide For Beginners +Cap+ 2 to 4 inches broad, ovate, Campanulate, then spreading, obtuse, with a cuticle, sticky in moist weather, rarely sprinkled with one or two fragments of the volva, the margin regular, even.