vocalize in English

utter (a sound or word).
the child vocalizes a number of distinct sounds
change (a consonant) to a semivowel or vowel.
This leaves a good deal of room for scribal error and for different ways of vocalizing the consonants and indeed for regrouping consonants to give quite different words.
write (a language such as Hebrew) with vowel points.
In the daily priestly blessing, the Tetragrammaton was vocalized with the vowel points associated with the name Adonai.

Use "vocalize" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "vocalize" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "vocalize", or refer to the context using the word "vocalize" in the English Dictionary.

1. He tried to vocalize his feelings.

2. Some people vocalize the "r" in four.

3. Showing children pictures sometimes helps them to vocalize their ideas.

4. Most patients find it very difficult to vocalize feelings of shame.

5. Babies can't vocalize their emotions, but you can judge from their facial expression and behaviors.

6. Please allow me to vocalize as desired during labor and birth without comment or criticism.

7. Synonyms for speak Coherently include articulate, express, say, speak, state, utter, vocalise, vocalize, declare and enunciate

8. H. cavitympanum is the only known species of frog to vocalize at only an ultrasonic level.

9. Learn all the forms and sounds of the Arabic alphabet (written and print) and how to vocalize them.

10. There are many synonyms of Chorused which include Cantillate, Carol, Chorus, Croon, Descant, Drone, Intone, Recite, Shout, Tune, Vocalize, Warble, etc.

11. In order to vocalize a Chuff, the animal's mouth is closed and air is blown through the nostrils, producing a breathy snort

12. We say, 'Bully for the boy and his conquest of the geometry teacher, ' but that makes it harder for boys to vocalize their victimization.

13. 30 The chimpanzee has well-developed aryepiglottic folds which allows him to vocalize not only upon expiration but also upon inspiration, which for man is strenuous and unpleasant.