visualized in English

form a mental image of; imagine.
it is not easy to visualize the future
make (something) visible to the eye.
the cells were better visualized by staining

Use "visualized" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "visualized" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "visualized", or refer to the context using the word "visualized" in the English Dictionary.

1. I visualized him as a typical businessman.

2. I had visualized scientists as bearded old men.

3. 18 I visualized him as a typical businessman.

4. In tissue sections, Bacteriolysis can be visualized by trans-

5. ♫ What I've been through, the doctor visualized

6. One TOF response only was visualized at the adductor pollicis muscle.

7. With the totem of their ancestors visualized on vault of heaven.

8. Anthers were stained with Toluidine blue and visualized in bright field

9. Results The intramuscular nerve branches were clearly visualized after being stained purple-black.

10. Angiography remains the gold standard, although vascular lesions are also perfectly visualized by CT-scan.

11. On magnetic resonance imaging and right heart angiocardiography the aneurysm was visualized as well.

12. Then, as you walk into the real meeting, call up the visualized, positive interaction.

13. Appropriately fixed basophil cell-line can selectively be visualized by anionic dyes as toluidine blue.

14. Synonyms for Augured include seen, envisaged, envisioned, imagined, pictured, visualized, anticipated, conceived, fancied and predicted

15. Literally visualized myself in the digisphere wrapping up balls of abstraction and encapsulating beautiful objects of Beholdance

16. Circularized MSP can be visualized by SDS/PAGE, where it migrates slightly longer than the nonCircularized MSP

17. In all cases the size of the aneurysm and the abdominal organs could be better segmented and visualized.

18. Now with these issues visualized and verbalized, Fight Club is ready to Allegorize them into an instructional story

19. All relevant structures of the anterior eye segment (including cornea, lens, chamber angle and iris) can be visualized.

20. Coherentism (Contextualism) can be visualized as a massively complex web or a cloud or a tangle of cords

21. In common with Descartes, he visualized the universe in terms of clockwork rather than as a living organism.

22. Beside morphological aspects, e.g., herniation of abdominal contents into the chest, small amounts of compressed lung can be visualized on MRI.

23. Calcifications are highly radiodense and therefore best visualized with mammography compared with other modalities such as MRI and ultrasound

24. In a laparoscopy , a small telescope inserted into the abdominal or pelvic cavity allows internal organs to be visualized .

25. A closely related property is chirality, which in turn is closely related to a more easily visualized property called helicity.

26. The blue material shows DNA visualized with DAPI stain, and reveals the nucleus of the Astrocyte and of other cells

27. Sometimes, especially in popular depictions such as The Heroic Legend of Arslan, the cup is visualized as a crystal ball.

28. Blurredly visualized 5S band revealed integrated total RNA without degradation or significant genomic DNA pollution, meeting the requirements of subsequent studies

29. The Airfoil may be visualized as being supported by an axis perpendicular to the Airfoil, and taken through any point on the Airfoil

30. When the vein is visualized by sonography in the long axis the accompanying artery and the pleura remain outside the ultrasound plane.

31. 8 Only through the study on computer graphics and mastery of basic knowledge of three-dimensional cartoon, the lucubration of visualized simulation is possible.

32. ‘Hybridization can be visualized by measuring color development on the blot when enzyme labels are used or by developing the radioactive blots onto Autoradiographs.’

33. Single filaments, dissociated from the extruded Axoplasm of the squid giant axon and visualized by video-enhanced differential interference contrast microscopy, transport organelles bidirectionally

34. The stencil of engagement should comprise more and more of the interactive agenda so that gains are visualized and felt across the board and in immediate term.

35. Developing Asymmetry is a type of focal Asymmetry (visualized on two or more projections) that has increased in size or density since a previous mammogram ( Figs

36. With this color high-speed system, morphologic structures, such as small blood vessels, were visualized in high-resolution quality as a result of additional color information.

37. In the adrenal cortex of the mouse, conjugation of estrogenic hormones can be visualized by means of light microscopic autoradiography after intraperitoneal injection of N-(acetyl-H3)-D-glucosamine.

38. Dendritic Arborizations and spines visualized by rapid Golgi staining The appearance of the dendritic Arborizations of PCs between cats belonging to the two age groups showed obvious differences

39. Most rigid Bronchoscopes are round when visualized in cross-section, with external side ports that permit the introduction of suction catheters, laser fibers, and ventilation (picture 1 and picture 2)

40. The axonal Arborization of SNc or VTA DA neurons was selectively visualized using AAV injections in adult DAT IRES-Cre/+;DRD2 LOX/LOX mice to express eYFP in either SNc or VTA DA neurons

41. ‘Lung sounds are usually normal, or with minimal bibasal Crepitations, and talc deposits may sometimes be visualized in the blood vessels of the retina.’ ‘Esophageal perforation may result in neck swelling, Crepitations, and pneumomediastinum.’

42. The Conformation of a chemical bond from front to back, with the front atom depicted as a dot and the back carbon as a circle, is visualized by a Newman projection, useful in alkane stereochemistry

43. For a rapid and specific assay of alginate, the isolated polysaccharide is split by methanolic hydrochloric acid, the reaction products are separated on silica gel plates and visualized by an uronic acid specific naphthoresorcinol-hydrochlorid acid reagent.

44. ‘The results of physical examination were significant for bilateral basal diffuse rhonchi and Crepitation.’ ‘Lung sounds are usually normal, or with minimal bibasal Crepitations, and talc deposits may sometimes be visualized in the blood vessels of the retina.’

45. Axillary lymphadenopathy is visualized on mammography as replacement of the fatty hilum of lymph nodes by dense tissue, a rounded shape of the lymph nodes, and an overall generalized increased density with or without lymph node enlargement (Fig

46. The property called Birefringence has to do with anisotropy in the binding forces between the atoms forming a crystal, so it can be visualized as the atoms having stronger "springs" holding them together in some crystalline directions

47. ‘Hybridization signals were visualized by an Autoradiogram and a bio-imaging analyser.’ ‘There were still, however, strains that appeared to be pure types, from the diagnostic bands on the Autoradiogram.’ ‘Band intensities were quantified by densitometry of the Autoradiogram.’

48. Bacillary angiomatosis (BA), a newly recognized disease characterized by cutaneous and subcutaneous vascular lesions containing Bacillary organisms visualized by Warthin-Starry silver staining, was described predominantly among HIV-infected patients; however, bacterial isolates were not made or identified (13–15).

49. Characterized by strong sensitivity to audio from the front of the mic, good sensitivity on the sides (at 90 degrees, 6dB less than the front), and good rejection of sound from the rear, the Cardioid pattern can almost be visualized as a heart-shaped pattern (hence its name).

50. Because 80% of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism have a single adenoma and because most adenomas are now visualized by ultrasonography, we have attempted to remove these suspected single adenomas under local anesthesia with intra-operative monitoring of urinary cAMP (UcAMP) and 1-84 parathyroid hormone (PTH) serum levels.