Use "virtuosos" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "virtuosos" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "virtuosos", or refer to the context using the word "virtuosos" in the English Dictionary.

1. Gamers are virtuosos at weaving a tight social fabric.

2. Antonyms for Bunglers include brains, experts, geniuses, success, authority, adepts, virtuosos, masters, specialists and maestros

3. In terms of musical performance, there are many very good French musicians, but few virtuosos.

4. His Antiquity-instinct tells him that every heavenly body worth inhabiting must - correctly understood - be an ascetic planet inhabited by the practising, the aspiring and the virtuosos

5. There may now be several fire-eating piano virtuosos who can execute the original notes, but few can liberate the prophetic music they contain as masterfully as Janice Weber does here.

6. Considerado como uno de los ángeles más virtuosos, Aniel se invoca particularmente para conseguir victorias en nuestras batallas, también revela los misterios ocultos de la naturaleza y beneficia las artes y la ciencia.

7. At the time of Backwaters' release, Rounder Records was lumping it into a category called "new acoustic music." Call it whatever you choose, this is excellent music, impeccably played by a group of guys who are all virtuosos on their respective instruments

8. El Ángel Aniel es considerado como el Ángel de la sabiduría y del crecimiento espiritual, por lo que es uno de lo seres más virtuosos y elevados.Adicionalmente, se le vincula siempre con la naturaleza y toda la magia que de ella emana.Concede grandes beneficios para …