vinaya in English


(Buddhism) school of Buddhism that stresses devotion to ethical principles and disciplined conduct particularly to the monastic rules

Use "vinaya" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "vinaya" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "vinaya", or refer to the context using the word "vinaya" in the English Dictionary.

1. Both Bhikkhunis and Bhikkhus live by the Vinaya

2. “Vinaya Monasteries, Public Abbacies, and State Control of Buddhism under the Northern Song (960-1127).” In Going Forth: Visions of Buddhist Vinaya, edited byWilliam Bodiford

3. Within the monastic framework (called the Vinaya) of the sangha regular Confession …

4. Suttavibhanga (-vibhaṅga, Pali for "rule analysis") is the first book of the Theravadin Vinaya Pitaka.

5. Male monastics are called bhikkhus. Both Bhikkhunis and bhikkhus live by the Vinaya, a set of rules.

6. The bride's mark is created with the butt end of the candle rather than the monk's thumb, in keeping with the Vinaya prohibition against touching women.

7. Tipitaka >> Vinaya Pitaka >> Bhikkhuni Patimokkha Pali Versions: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagri versions are provided in the texts below

8. Male monastics are called Bhikkhus. Both Bhikkunis and Bhikkhus live by the vinaya. Bhikkhuni lineages enjoy a broad basis in Mahayana countries like Korea, Vietnam, China and Taiwan.

9. As Buddhism spread through Asia over the centuries there came to be at least three somewhat different versions of the Vinaya, but they all maintain the rules of monastic Celibacy.

10. Welcome to the Alliance for Bhikkhunis! As a lay organization, our mission is to support fully ordained Theravada Buddhist nuns (bhikkunis), who because of the Vinaya (code of monastic disciplinary rules), cannot directly ask lay practitioners to address even their most basic needs.

11. The primary thesis of Conjunctures seeks to dispel the myth set forth by Max Weber; i.e., that Buddhist monks, according to monastic rules (vinaya), must refrain from engaging in any political discourse and action, or else risk their status as "authentic," "otherworldly" renunciants.

12. The Abhidhamma is also not mentioned in some reports of the First Buddhist Council, which do mention the existence of the texts of the Vinaya and either the five Nikayas or the four Agamas, although it may be noted that the Venerable foremost in Abhidhamma had passed on before the Buddha, before the First Council took place.