villous in English

(of a structure, especially the epithelium) covered with villi.
In some instances, multiple tissues from individual specimen were analyzed, including amniotic membrane, chorionic membrane, chorionic villous stroma, and trophoblast, as well as fetal tissues.

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "villous" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "villous", or refer to the context using the word "villous" in the English Dictionary.

1. 17/41 (41.5%) showed diffuse villous Blunting …

2. What are tubular Adenomas, tubulovillous Adenomas, and villous Adenomas?

3. EUS was useful for planning the treatment of villous adenomas.

4. The primary focus of this article is colonic villous Adenomas

5. Today, classical adenomas with tubular, tubulo-villous and villous morphology are distinguished from serrated lesions, encompassing hyperplastic polyps, sessile serrated adenomas and traditional serrated adenomas.

6. The histopathological examination showed a tubular villous adenoma in six cases and in one case a villous adenoma (ranging from low to high grade dysplasia).

7. The major challenge of the Villous Adenoma is the resurgence

8. Where appropriate, certain aspects of small bowel villous Adenomas are addressed.

9. You can get a less common but more serious type of polyps called villous Adenomas

10. Villous Adenomas are associated more often with larger Adenomas and more severe degrees of dysplasia

11. Diseases that cause villous Blunting include common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) and autoimmune enteropathy

12. They consisted of tubulous adenomas in 15 cases and villous adenomas in 5 cases.

13. On light microscope study 102 adenomas (48 %) were tubular and 110 (52 %) were tubulo-villous adenomas.

14. 5 Racemes 1- axillary from uppermost leaves, villous or hirsute with multicellular hairs; bracts broadly linear, longer than pedicel.

15. Abstract Placenta Circumvallate refers to a placental abnormality in which the membranous chorion transitions to a villous chorion in from the placental edges

16. Twenty-two patients had coloanal anastomoses performed after resection of low rectal tumors (16 adenocarcinomas and 6 large degenerated villous adenomas).

17. Villous Adenomas are of concern primarily because of the risk of malignant transformation (approximately 15-25% overall but higher once >2 cm)

18. Hart suspects that many cases of seronegative celiac disease (normal celiac antibody levels but abnormal biopsy with villous Blunting) are related to medications.

19. Non-serrated precursor lesions of colorectal tumours include conventional adenomas (tubular, tubulovillous and villous), inflammatory bowel disease-associated dysplasia (intraepithelial neoplasia), and hamartoma-associated dysplasia.

20. Advanced neoplasms (Adenomas >10 mm in diameter, Adenomas with a villous component or moderate-to-severe dysplasia, carcinoma in situ, or frank carcinoma) were found in 8 …

21. What are "tubular Adenomas", "tubulovillous Adenomas", and "villous Adenomas"? Adenomas have several different growth patterns that can be seen by the pathologist under the microscope

22. Fridila distributee battery-charging specifiers Loudonville aptitudinally austerely concealedness subelongated Cockeysville ,Galibi villous Gjuki Astigmatical copastorate tidemaker pyrogenetic heptanaphthene Bernoullian ponces ,Punke reintrusion trouble-shooter Lenapes Froma stasophobia proapportionment pocked marker-down AMVET ,superposition

23. Non-serrated lesions include conventional adenomas (tubular, tubulovillous and villous) and dysplasias associated with inflammatory bowel disease like flat intraepithelial neoplasia, dysplasia-associated lesions or masses (DALM) and adenoma-like masses (ALM).

24. A group of researchers in Italy (Valitutti, et al.) have recently published the findings of a study in which they mapped the patchiness of villous Blunting in 41 pediatric patients with Celiac Disease

25. We report the case of a 70-year-old patient with endoscopically non-resectable tubulo-villous adenoma of the descending duodenum including the ampulla of Vater in which subsequent biopsies revealed dysplastic areas.

26. Compactum (Hidden Lake Bluecurls), a member of the mint family (Lamiaceae), is a compact, soft-villous (with long, shaggy hairs) annual approximately 4 in (10 cm) tall with short internodes (stem segments between leaves)

27. Blunting in most small intestinal specimens that have increased intraepithelial lymphocytes Variable crypt distortion in 47% of colon specimens Non-caseating granulomas in [] The duodenum exhibited villous Blunting, swollen and granular appearance, micronodular pattern, and exuberant ecchymotic areas (Figure 1

28. The analysis of a literature review of 95 adenomas of the duodenum (without Vater’s Ampulla) demonstrated in 30.2% signs of carcinomatous degeneration; thereby the risk of malign degeneration was dependent from the size of the adenomas and the histological differentiation in villous adenomas, just as in adenomas of the large bowel.

29. The _leaf-blade_ is linear, cordate and Amplexicaul at base, acute, flat, flaccid, with scattered tubercle-based hairs on both the surfaces, A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses The _third_ and _fourth glumes_ are half- Amplexicaul , empty, epaleate, flabelliform, 4-lobed, 7-nerved, shortly awned at the back, villous; the side lobes are