vietcong in English

a member of the communist guerrilla movement in Vietnam that fought the South Vietnamese government forces 1954–75 with the support of the North Vietnamese army and opposed the South Vietnamese and US forces in the Vietnam War.
Despite massive US military and economic aid, his corrupt administration failed to win the fight against the Vietcong and North Vietnamese forces.

Use "vietcong" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "vietcong" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "vietcong", or refer to the context using the word "vietcong" in the English Dictionary.

1. Some of the Vietcong forces wanna surrender to me personally.

2. Worse yet, their presence frequently meant indiscriminate artillery bombardments against innocent villages suspected of harboring the Vietcong.

3. We had placed our trust in the Tet cease-fire, which the Vietcong had publicly requested.

4. Vietcong couriers slipped into Saigon to pick up his reports, which he wrote in invisible ink made from starch.

5. The whole country's a bunch of parka-wearing, draft-dodging, chickenshit cowards who didn't have the balls to stay home and fight the Vietcong to preserve our American way of life.

6. A local guard explained to me that a handful of Vietcong agents had entered the hamlet one night and told the peasants to tear it down and return to their native villages.