uzis in English

a type of submachine gun of Israeli design.
One type of gun nut has become all too familiar: the folks who claim the right to own and operate automatic rifles, Uzis , Thompson submachine guns - anything with firepower, no matter how overstated.

Use "uzis" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "uzis" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "uzis", or refer to the context using the word "uzis" in the English Dictionary.

1. Blood and Uzis more than samba and sequins are their trademark today.

2. 7 Blood and Uzis more than samba and sequins are their trademark today.

3. Bill Clinton uzis Ambiguajn vortojn, kiam oni petis lin priskribi sian rilaton kun Monica Lewinsky.

4. Mortigu /sledveturu, militon/ uzis) estis utiligitaj en studoj de timo kiel testo de kognaj modeloj kiujn tiuj kun alta timo tendencas interpreti Ambiguajn informojn en minaca maniero