untouchables in English

a member of the lowest-caste Hindu group or a person outside the caste system. Contact with untouchables is traditionally held to defile members of higher castes.
During a recent visit, I found liberals and intellectuals, jet-setters and slum dwellers, men and women, Brahmins and untouchables expressing this Hindu pride.

Use "untouchables" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "untouchables" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "untouchables", or refer to the context using the word "untouchables" in the English Dictionary.

1. Obviously, therefore, untouchables should not enter a Hindu temple.

2. The mass, however, could adore Gandhi and abhor untouchables.

3. The wholesale exodus of untouchables from Hinduism would for ever blacken the conscience of Hindus without benefit to Untouchables.

4. The mass, however, could adore Gandhi and Abhor untouchables

5. Gandhi took up the torch for the Untouchables.

6. He did not despise unfortunate lepers, the “untouchables” of Jewish society.

7. Gandhi established another ashram and calmly declared that he welcomed: Untouchables!

8. 2 In her nerve tissue, nevertheless, the aversion to untouchables continued to twitch.

9. People from all castes became nominal Christians, some preachers attracting the Brahmans, others the Untouchables.

10. This, she adds, would introduce “a quasi-caste system in which the ‘untouchables’ become the ‘expendables.’”

11. His Buddhist piety led representatives of the thousands of Untouchables who had embraced Buddhism to invite him to be their leader.

12. 8 The caste system, he says,(www.Sentencedict.com) will never be abolished by social reform or positive discrimination in favour of Untouchables.

13. I have met Shudras, untouchables, Tribes, North-Easterners etc who couldn't two damn **** about Brahmins and Brahmanism, and yet these Brahmanists, like many posters here, tend to sing the songs of glory of Indra, their leader.