unspent in English

not spent.
In recent years, a substantial proportion of grants have remained unspent and recouped by the Exchequer.

Use "unspent" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unspent" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unspent", or refer to the context using the word "unspent" in the English Dictionary.

1. As a result, considerable amounts of unspent funds stood idle for several years.

2. the Inspectors found that those bodies accumulated sizeable unspent balances in the PSC accounts.

3. The current year deficit is being funded from the unspent balances of accumulated surpluses from prior years.

4. The unspent balance under this heading was due to lower actual maintenance costs for existing equipment.

5. The unspent balance resulted from a higher than budgeted vacancy factor and lower actual requirements under salaries.

6. The unspent balances of the remittances held by agencies and organizations are recorded as advances in the UNEP accounts

7. The unspent balances of the remittances held by agencies and organizations are recorded as advances in the UNEP accounts.

8. Additionally, because FY20 was the first year of Ohio’s biennial budget, there is no requirement to return any unspent Auxiliary Services funds at the end of the current fiscal year.

9. Compliances to be undertaken upon Applicability of CSR, Permitted Sectors for CSR, Methods of Implementation of CSR Amount, Proposed Amendments under Companies Amendment Act, 2019 (yet to be notified) which explains Treatment of the unspent CSR Amount and Introduces Penal Provisions.

10. Research continued, with DuPont and the Metallurgical Laboratory developing a redox solvent extraction process as an alternative plutonium extraction technique to the bismuth phosphate process, which left unspent uranium in a state from which it could not easily be recovered.

11. The Challenge is intended to encourage the development of new approaches, technologies, or technology combinations that meet the following objectives: Must be applicable for use on unspent aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) from unused AFFF concentrates containing 3 percent and/or 6 percent PFAS;

12. Character Name: Bloodbeat II of Syrtis Race: T’skrang, female ECR: 10 (490,000 - 921,999 LP) Nethermancer 9 / Weaponsmith 7 / Elementalist 1 Unspent Legend Points: 785 Lifetime Legend Point Total: 548,835 Silver: 653.8 Lifetime Silver: 22,360.7 Thread Item Points: 26 Lifetime Thread Item Points:102 Participation Template

13. The unspent balance under this heading is primarily attributable to savings resulting from the utilization of existing military accoutrements stocks and supplies and reduced requirements for military haircutting services and welfare activities following the reduction of the military contingent strength, as well as lower actual expenditure on training fees and supplies owing to fewer training courses undertaken during the reporting period