unsatisfactory answer in English

answer that is not satisfactory, response that is not detailed enough

Use "unsatisfactory answer" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unsatisfactory answer" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unsatisfactory answer", or refer to the context using the word "unsatisfactory answer" in the English Dictionary.

1. Your answer is unsatisfactory.

2. Badly: in an unsatisfactory way.

3. The student's work was judged unsatisfactory.

4. This was a most unsatisfactory outcome.

5. They demand a refund on unsatisfactory goods.

6. A very unsatisfactory way to conduct business.

7. Many factors contribute to this unsatisfactory situation.

8. This is a highly unsatisfactory state of affairs.

9. Also it appeared that the accommodation was very unsatisfactory.

10. Test scores below 50 were classed as 'unsatisfactory'.

11. It's very difficult to rationalize away any unsatisfactory results.

12. Easier divorce makes ending an unsatisfactory marriage a real possibility.

13. People should not accept unsatisfactory products. They should complain.

14. Shops are often reluctant to take back unsatisfactory goods.

15. Silk, particularly of the brocade type, is very unsatisfactory.

16. The results are often unsatisfactory because of the paucity of cells.

17. A second unsatisfactory aspect is the analysis accompanying the data.

18. He asked a few more questions, to which he received unsatisfactory answers.

19. Helmut's problems were compounded by an unsatisfactory relationship with his landlady.

20. The inspectors said just under a third of lessons were unsatisfactory.

21. Unsatisfactory performance of Assistantship duties is also sufficient cause for termination

22. Firstly, there was wide agreement that house officer training is unsatisfactory.

23. The result that appears below is thus a rather unsatisfactory compromise.

24. I must say this is a very unsatisfactory state of affairs.

25. To my great regret, the reasons for such delays are absolutely unsatisfactory.