unmistakably in English


in an unmistakable manner, clearly, obviously, unquestionably

Use "unmistakably" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unmistakably" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unmistakably", or refer to the context using the word "unmistakably" in the English Dictionary.

1. His accent was unmistakably British.

2. It's still unmistakably a Minnelli movie.

3. His voice had become unmistakably frosty.

4. His voice was cultured and unmistakably English.

5. This gesture unmistakably tell others, she and others.

6. Its terms and implications are unmistakably authoritarian.

7. It was definitely, unmistakably(Sentence dictionary), a shade of green.

8. 3 His voice was cultured and unmistakably English.

9. Unmistakably Audi , but in a highly concentrated form.

10. She was slim and blonde and pretty, and also unmistakably competent.

11. It is express, when the Assent is clearly and unmistakably communicated.

12. Suddenly, unmistakably, amid the cries, Kunta heard his words.

13. He had unmistakably been waving his flag to attract the referee's attention.

14. A mere three lines of elegant handwriting, unmistakably Huei - fang's.

15. 25 There was an aura of masculine occupation - neat, but unmistakably masculine.

16. Many in the antiwar movement unmistakably were also waging generational civil war.

17. There was an aura of masculine occupation - neat, but unmistakably masculine.

18. He has-most difficult of all for architects-invented a language unmistakably his own.

19. The Supreme Court made its own disagreement with the lower court's approach unmistakably.

20. In the south-west of England, the scenery is timeless and unmistakably agricultural.

21. Give yourself time to savour its unmistakably smooth, rich taste and texture.

22. Synonyms for Blatantly include glaringly, obviously, clearly, plainly, evidently, patently, unmistakably, manifestly, conspicuously and apparently

23. The Coathanger is an asterism — a pattern of stars — that looks unmistakably like its namesake

24. But then I saw her face within her tangle of tawny hair - unmistakably young and female.

25. Investigators at the scene concluded that the airplane was unmistakably in level flight when it hit.

26. And the few paintings that unmistakably depict women appear to show them gathering plants.

27. That unabashedly and unmistakably should be the purpose of any Republican tax system for the years ahead.

28. Bimini might only be 50 nautical miles from Miami, but the beauty and beaches here are unmistakably Bahamian

29. If this scientific breakthrough comes, nature will unmistakably have yielded up another of its secrets.

30. The Bible unmistakably identifies and unmasks the one who has been maneuvering human leaders and world powers.

31. He has-most difficult of all for architects-invented a language unmistakably his own. Solid gold.

32. Conversion may be gradual or sudden, quiet or dramatic, unmistakably evident to others or almost unnoticed.

33. Not only was the gentleman's intonation unmistakably genteel, but he was slurring his words very slightly.

34. It is this class alone which is unmistakably distinguished from debentures both in law and fact.

35. It was also unmistakably proved thereby that he was the “Lord,” the Chief Agent of Jehovah’s divine rulership.

36. His Word and the fulfil[l]ments of prophecy seemed to point unmistakably that this date marked the end of the Gentile Times.

37. THE BRITISH EXPEDITION TO THE CRIMEA WILLIAM HOWARD RUSSELL Bassett's jaw was square and firm—power was manifest there, unmistakably, and his Bristling mustache suggested combativeness

38. 10 What occurred with Simeon and Levi and between David and Abigail shows unmistakably that Jehovah opposes unbridled anger and violence and that he blesses efforts to make peace.

39. It’s an unmistakably fulfilling theatrical experience.”—San Jose Mercury News / Bay Area News Group “In Aubergine, a moving new play by Julia Cho, a meal is more than a meal

40. The spirit of brashness, Cocksureness, energy and chauvinism that pervaded the Cohan musicals were unmistakably American.” Types All American musical theater was comedy until Hammerstein and Kern wrote a musical play, Show Boat, which had much more serious themes.

41. The Encyclopedia of Religion explains that the founders of Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam held diverse views about miracles, but it notes: “The subsequent history of these religions demonstrates unmistakably that miracles and miracle stories have been an integral part of man’s religious life.”

42. ‘The Artless melody that wanders through the long first movement is unmistakably naive; the assemblage of rhythmic and melodic cells that drive the finale sentimental.’ ‘Each has a physical and and vocal signature, constructed with the kind of care that makes the process seems Artless, and puts them on in rapid and seamless succession.’