universal military training in English


UMT, program to maintain a country's trained military staff that requires qualified citizens to serve their country for a period of active and reserve military duty

Use "universal military training" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "universal military training" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "universal military training", or refer to the context using the word "universal military training" in the English Dictionary.

1. Military training.

2. His military contracts included cultural competency training .

3. France provides military training to Qatar's special forces.

4. Military organization and tactical training reflected French traditions.

5. There, these Communists received military-style training at Indonesian camps.

6. MST, MST Coordinators, military sexual trauma statistics, military sexual trauma disability rating, military sexual trauma definition, military sexual trauma compensation, military sexual trauma treatment, military sexual trauma policy, military sexual trauma training, military sexual trauma stories, military sexual trauma story

7. Commissioned officers generally receive training as leadership and management generalists, in addition to training relating to their specific military occupational specialty or function in the military.

8. Military Commissariats in the Soviet Union were also tasked with the recruitment and training of military servicemen

9. Military Commissariats of the Soviet Army and modern Russian Army is а local military administrative agency that prepares and executes plans for military mobilization, maintains records on military manpower and economic resources available to the armed forces, provides pre-military training, drafts men for military service, organizes reserves for training, and performs other military

10. Note 4 For the purposes of ML10.a., military use includes: combat, military reconnaissance, assault, military training, logistics support, and transporting and airdropping troops or military equipment.

11. The Basic Military Training Course is a Short Period Training for the Airmen and Airwomen, not normally more than 6 months of training

12. Now, he says he received his advance military training in Georgia

13. Like his father, he lacks any formal military training or service.

14. Furthermore, Malaysian military officers continued to train in the US under the International Military Education And Training (IMET) program.

15. Combat vehicle, amphibious vehicle and tank (weapons) simulators for military training purposes

16. After, he continued his military training at the Imperial Japanese Army Academy.

17. Construction of hospitals, military accommodation, technical, administrative, training, dining, sports and leisure facilities

18. We spent a great deal of our preliminary military training in physical exercise.

19. The Arduous exercise is the culmination of their fieldcraft and military skills training

20. Men usually receive military conscription orders for training at the age of 18.

21. Cascade Training Centers are proud to be an authorized provider of Red Cross resuscitation programs to the US Military Training Network

22. Course Name (Accidents & Military Events (OJT) ) Code AME541 Description Required training, 401.09, 14.

23. Ostensibly, the course was designed to reduce training time for future military pilots.

24. After his mission he served in the military before receiving further vocational training.

25. They handled a lot of government contracts, elite military training, counter espionage, hacking.