unfurls in English

make or become spread out from a rolled or folded state, especially in order to be open to the wind.
a man was unfurling a sail

Use "unfurls" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unfurls" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unfurls", or refer to the context using the word "unfurls" in the English Dictionary.

1. Confident unfurls like a flag on a battlefield

2. Artemis unfurls with a dynamic flow, stunningly eclectic yet entirely cohesive

3. 21 The government unfurls her publicity from aspects of both passiveness and activeness.

4. The truth will only unfold if, if your jaw splits and your tongue unfurls in song.

5. The mystery unfurls in 22 segments that correspond to the 22 Major Arcana cards in a …

6. The two friends walk past the pole where the flag of their nation unfurls in a gusting breeze.

7. Bazaar unfurls with a sneak peek into the world of pigeon racing and how everyone tries to become shokdaar (number one) to gain supremacy.

8. (It gets its common name from the blood red sap that oozes from the root when it is cut or broken.) Native to North America, Bloodroot is found in the shade of deciduous forests where it unfurls white daisylike flowers in early spring