undertook in English

commit oneself to and begin (an enterprise or responsibility); take on.
a firm of builders undertook the construction work
synonyms:tackletake onassumeshoulderhandlemanagedeal withbe responsible forengage intake part ingo aboutset aboutget down tocome to grips withembark onattempttryendeavorhave a go atessay

Use "undertook" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "undertook" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "undertook", or refer to the context using the word "undertook" in the English Dictionary.

1. The lawyer undertook the case.

2. Deputy heads undertook very diverse responsibilities.

3. Baker undertook to review his decision.

4. She undertook to revise my compositions.

5. 25 Deputy heads undertook very diverse responsibilities.

6. He undertook the leadership of the team.

7. 19 An undertaker undertook to undertake an undertaking.

8. She undertook several clandestine operations for the CIA.

9. He undertook to edit the text himself.

10. I undertook to teach the children English.

11. in Berlin undertook our first all-German trip.

12. The lawyer undertook the case without a fee.

13. 4 She undertook several clandestine operations for the CIA.

14. She undertook the arduous task of monitoring the elections.

15. Saudi Tornados undertook operations during the Gulf War.

16. Next he undertook to pay off the debts.

17. This case also undertook cognizance afternoon that day.

18. He undertook to finish the job by Wednesday.

19. He undertook to finish the job by Friday.

20. She undertook the organization of the whole scheme.

21. Salman also undertook several foreign tours during his reign.

22. An Ape undertook to adjudge the matter between them.

23. She undertook to discharge all the responsibilities of a Minister.

24. The new president undertook to establish full rights for all minorities.

25. He undertook to pay the money back in six months.

26. They undertook to make their judgement without fear or favour.

27. Gladstone undertook the premiership when he was 82 years old.

28. The company undertook an extensive feasibility study before adopting the new system.

29. " as toilsome reading as I ever undertook, a wearisome, confused jumble. "

30. They undertook this basic education with an elevated purpose in mind.

31. I undertook to indemnify them for expenses incurred on my behalf.

32. The district administration there undertook a huge task with people’s participation.

33. A consortium of Russian business people undertook large scale development here.

34. We undertook the task of hacking our way through the jungle.

35. The Prime Minister undertook the aerial survey of the flood affected areas.

36. She also undertook vocal lessons to record the songs for the film.

37. She was secretly vetted before she ever undertook any work for me.

38. In early 1957, Nixon undertook another major foreign trip, this time to Africa.

39. Undertook to course of recipe, craft and craft parameter control analysis, comparative, affirmatory.

40. Despite so, China undertook enormous commitments in its accession to the WTO.

41. The Union undertook a major review of its animal by-products (‘ABP’) legislation.

42. By 1929, it undertook road expansions as well as opening markets and slaughterhouses.

43. The ship eventually withdrew to the Humber, where she undertook 3 months of repairs.

44. He undertook two expeditions to conquer the Incan Empire in 1524 and in 1526.

45. Having decided to proceed, he undertook extensive research before he began the painting.

46. Thus fortified, Elijah undertook his next prophetic assignment. —1 Kings 19:5-18.

47. The great goddess Nemesis, which means righteous anger, undertook to bring this about.

48. In 1912, he undertook studies of the reaction between amino acids and sugars.

49. Fred Miller of the ARRA office undertook the initial editing of the Barm

50. Peter Cooke undertook to send each of us a sample contract for perusal.