uncertainty principle in English

the principle that the momentum and position of a particle cannot both be precisely determined at the same time.
Subject to the limitations of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle , the advancement of atomic physics and quantum physics allowed increasingly accurate descriptions of complex atoms.
    indeterminacy principle

Use "uncertainty principle" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "uncertainty principle" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "uncertainty principle", or refer to the context using the word "uncertainty principle" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

2. 6 I leap into uncertainty principle.

3. The uncertainty principle can account for diffraction.

4. 8 The uncertainty principle can account for diffraction.

5. 1 The Heisenberg uncertainty principle tells us that.

6. 7 In truth,[www.Sentencedict.com] the uncertainty principle is fundamental.

7. 11 An explanation for the " uncertainty principle " for Quantum Mechanics.

8. 19 The human brain, however, is also subject to the uncertainty principle.

9. This staggering quantum mechanical phenomenon... is enshrined in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

10. 9 Let us approach the uncertainty principle from another point of view.

11. 10 Many of the same concept measured by the uncertainty principle limit.

12. 24 Is the total energy of the universe subject to the uncertainty principle?

13. 30 In quantum mechanics an auxiliary integral is often introduced to prove uncertainty principle.

14. 27 There are two points which must be emphasized in connection with the uncertainty principle.

15. 22 After this encounter Einstein gave up his specific attempts to undermine the uncertainty principle.

16. 25 The relationship between the level lifetimes and the level widths satisfys the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

17. 4 The discovery of atomic structure and the uncertainty principle put an emphatic end to that.

18. 15 One therefore has to find a new theory that combines general relativity with the uncertainty principle.

19. It could not have been completely uniform, because that would violate the uncertainty principle of quantum theory.

20. 17 It could not have been completely uniform, because that would violate the uncertainty principle of quantum theory.

21. 29 In this paper the answer is explored by experiment combined with wave - particle duality and uncertainty principle.

22. 14 Real togetherness Einstein licked his wounds after his long drawn out battle with Bohr about the uncertainty principle.

23. 3 The effects of the uncertainty principle will then become very important and seem to point to some remarkable results.

24. 18 It has been noted that the quantum limit has its origin in the following expression of the uncertainty principle.

25. 21 Einstein's general relativity is what is called a classical theory; that is, it does not incorporate the uncertainty principle.

26. 16 But we know it can not be quite right because it doesn't incorporate the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics.

27. 2 The uncertainty principle also predicts that there will be similar virtual pairs of matter particles, such as electrons or quarks.

28. 20 The early universe could not have been completely homogeneous and uniform because that would violate the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics.

29. 5 At first,'s uncertainty principle might lead one to suppose that high-resolution is sacrificed if one works on such short timescales.

30. 23 Quantum key distribution technique is a popular research subject in information security field, which is based on Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and no-clone theory.

31. Like Kantian Antinomies, or the Heisenberg uncertainty principle of quantum physics, hermeneutics is a field in which whenever we press too far in one direction …

32. 26 The new research, published this week in the journal Science, deals with two of the theory's most important and mind-bending properties: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and nonlocality.

33. 28 By the time the higher elevations are reached, such strange notions as Einsteinian curved space-time and the quantum uncertainty principle, heavy meals indeed, seem not so difficult to digest.

34. 13 Taking into account the generalized uncertainty principle(GUP), we calculate the density of quantum states near the event horizon of a common stationary black hole in pseudo-Riemannian space-time.

35. 12 In fact, Heisenberg′s uncertainty principle is a special case of entropy uncertainty relation, and entropy can be used to measure the quantum fluctuation of the quadrature components of the field.