un council in English

general meeting of the United Nations, council of representatives of the different countries who are members of the United Nations

Use "un council" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "un council" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "un council", or refer to the context using the word "un council" in the English Dictionary.

1. 1946 – The UN Security Council holds its first session.

2. 5 The UN security council may impose economic sanctions .

3. The UN Security Council asked both sides to show restraint .

4. The attack took place under the authority of the UN security council.

5. The UN Security Council met in emergency session to discuss the crisis.

6. China, Russia, the UN Security Council, the UN itself have all set certain requirements that need to be adhered to.

7. China and Russia blocked the UN Security Council from Condemning the Myanmar coup

8. A long series of UN Security Council resolutions were passed regarding the conflict.

9. They called on all parties to implement fully UN Security Council resolution 2231.

10. The US is trying to neutralize the resolution in the UN Security Council.

11. The UN Security Council has demanded free passage for families fleeing from the fighting.

12. 1 The US is trying to neutralize the resolution in the UN Security Council.

13. The UN Security Council has decreed that the election must be held by May.

14. 30 The US is trying to neutralize the resolution in the UN Security Council.

15. On 11 August 2006 the United Nations Security Council unanimously approved UN Security Council Resolution 1701, in an effort to end the hostilities.

16. India Antagonized Tamils of India by not voting against Sri Lanka in UN Security council

17. Aoun opposed the Syrian presence in Lebanon, citing the 1982 UN Security Council Resolution 520.

18. Merkel, Germany is now speaking of an interim solution for the UN Security Council permanent seats.

19. I sincerely hope that North Korea abides by and implements all the UN Security Council resolutions.

20. 2002 – Iraq disarmament crisis: Iraq agrees to the terms of the UN Security Council Resolution 1441.

21. The UN Security Council has linked any lifting of sanctions to compliance with the ceasefire terms.

22. American president George W. Bush stated that Saddām had repeatedly violated 16 UN Security Council resolutions.

23. (a) the UN Security Council and the Joint Commission ten days in advance of such activities;

24. Captain Camara and Guinea's ruling military council have pledged to cooperate fully with the UN investigation.

25. The Joint Statement also confirms Uzbekistan’s support for India’s permanent candidature to the UN Security Council.