tuberculin in English

a sterile protein extract from cultures of tubercle bacillus, used in a test by hypodermic injection for infection with or immunity to tuberculosis, and also formerly in the treatment of the disease.
Tuberculin skin testing with tuberculin purified protein derivative is used to screen persons for latent tuberculosis infection.

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1. (i) a USDA caudal fold tuberculin test;

2. Tuberculin is a glycerol extract of the tubercle bacillus.

3. ‘It is known that some persons with TB exhibit specific Anergy to tuberculin but still respond to other antigens, possibly because available T-cell receptors are saturated and unable to react to the administered tuberculin antigen.’

4. This initial skin test, though negative, may stimulate (boost) the body's ability to react to tuberculin in future tests.

5. The tine test is a multiple-puncture tuberculin skin test used to aid in the medical diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB).

6. Administering the TST Page 2 of 15 The Mantoux tuberculin skin test (TST) is performed by placing an intradermal injection of 0.1 ml of purified protein derivative (PPD) containing 5 tuberculin units (TU) into the volar surface of the forearm.

7. The value of tuberculin skin testing in individuals with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, however, is limited by Anergy.

8. She developed methods for purifying a crystalline tuberculin derivative using filters of porous clay and nitric-acid treated cotton.

9. A standard dose of 5 tuberculin units (TU - 0.1 ml), according to the CDC, or 2 TU of Statens Serum Institute (SSI) tuberculin RT23 in 0.1 ml solution, according to the NHS, is injected intradermally (between the layers of dermis) and read 48 to 72 hours later.

10. Upper respiratory virus infection In case a second tuberculin test is necessary it should be carried out in the other arm to avoid hypersensitising the skin.

11. The gamma-interferon test is the most promising of these, and is used under practical field conditions as an adjunct to the tuberculin test in herds.

12. The very young There are two classes of tests commonly used to identify patients with latent tuberculosis: tuberculin skin tests and IFN-γ (Interferon-gamma) tests.

13. 23 Method:The diagnosis was made according to clinical manifestation, cytology, bacteriology, OT, chest X-ray film, bronchoscopy, lung CT, MRI, sputum tuberculin PCR and the other related examinations.

14. Although rare, (about 0.08 reported reactions per million doses of tuberculin), these reactions can be dangerous and precautions should be taken by having epinephrin available.

15. Skin is cleaned with alcohol, then tuberculin (100,000 units/ml) is evenly smeared on the skin (about 0.1 ml); the gun is then applied to the skin and fired.

16. However, it is possible that if an animal's resistance to infection is seriously weakened it may develop clinical tuberculosis accompanied by manifest symptoms but tuberculin test-results will be negative because of anergy.

17. 0.1 ml of tuberculin (100 units/ml), which delivers a dose of 5 units is given by intradermal injection into the surface of the lower forearm (subcutaneous injection results in false negatives).

18. Reaction to the PPD or tuberculin test is suppressed by the following conditions: Recent TB infection(less than 8–10 weeks) Infectious mononucleosis Live virus vaccine - The test should not be carried out within 3 weeks of live virus vaccination (e. g.