tribesmen in English

a man belonging to a tribe in a traditional society or group.
They are as keenly felt by the African tribesman as by the European city-dweller, by the inhabitant of a Latin American shanty-town as by the resident of a Manhattan apartment.

Use "tribesmen" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tribesmen" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tribesmen", or refer to the context using the word "tribesmen" in the English Dictionary.

1. We have fewer and fewer tribesmen.

2. They survived an onslaught by tribesmen.

3. Then you should bring your tribesmen home

4. The land is sacred to these tribesmen.

5. The tribesmen were as rebellious as ever.

6. These tribesmen are proud survivors of a vanishing world.

7. It is not surprising that the [tribesmen] yielded to the temptation.”

8. 16 We are in the same situation as that man’s fellow tribesmen.

9. The Berber Almohade Tribesmen Smashed This Idyll, Driving Jews to the Christian North

10. Lizards remain sacred to these tribesmen, and death is said to result from accidentally killing one.

11. 9 Overseen by evangelist monks Charlemagne's conquering Franks meet fierce resistance from Saxon tribesmen.

12. Religious zealots, tribesmen, and Baathist secularists fought side-by-side in common cause to throw off Shiite rule

13. Soon, the outsiders’ diseases —measles, syphilis, and others— along with opium addiction and alcoholism, devastated the tribesmen.

14. There he broke open some of the salt sacks and instructed the tribesmen to begin drying the skin.

15. It is tribesmen who tell themselves that tribes are natural groups based on primary bonds of kinship and descent.

16. On their return, the Avar envoys were attacked and robbed by local tribesmen, prompting them to appeal to Tiberius for help.

17. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Airmen and the Headhunters: A True Story of Lost Soldiers, Heroic Tribesmen and

18. (Genesis 15:7; Acts 7:2-4) Wandering tribesmen will often abandon their traveling life and settle for the more secure life of the city.

19. In both capacities he actively opposed traditional institutions such as Chieftainship, the ancestor cult, the practice of magic, polygyny and bridewealth, that kept tribesmen away from the church

20. The Airmen and the Headhunters: A True Story of Lost Soldiers, Heroic Tribesmen and the Unlikeliest Rescue of World War II - Kindle edition by Heimann, Judith M.

21. According to the company's press reltase, Safari, a simulated animal skin Collection tliat comes in zebra, leopard, Antelude abd tiger patterns, was reVewed for authenticity by Zula tribesmen in

22. Aeroplanes bombing the Frontier tribesmen are vehicles of virtue , teaching those deprived people a moral lesson but any resistance on the part of the latter is criminal .

23. McKenzie Accommodatingly ordered to be built for the famous traveller a small house within the stockade, and every facility to be given him for making records of the neighboring tribesmen.

24. 28 Imbued with a bureaucratic aversion to nomadism and a Victorian relish for the Hindu caste system, they adjudged many Indian tribesmen, Pardhis included, to be preordained crooks.

25. The First Anglo-Afghan War led to one of the most disastrous defeats of the Victorian military when an entire British army was wiped out by Russian-supplied Afghan Pashtun tribesmen during the 1842 retreat from Kabul.

26. The US failure to destroy the al-Qaeda and Afghan Taliban leadership in the 2001 war that liberated Afghanistan allowed both groups to take up safe residence in the tribal badlands of the Federal Administered Tribal Areas that form a buffer zone between Afghanistan and Pakistan, where some 4.5 million Pashtun tribesmen live.