trial and error in English

experiment and making a mistake, trying and failing

Use "trial and error" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "trial and error" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "trial and error", or refer to the context using the word "trial and error" in the English Dictionary.

1. Over millions of years, variation and selection, variation and selection -- trial and error, trial and error.

2. The clock clicks its tongue ... trial and error.

3. It was largely a matter of trial and error.

4. They learned to farm the land through trial and error.

5. We knew they worked through old-fashioned trial and error.

6. After some trial and error, a new national education system emerged.

7. Mastery requires experience, often accumulated through experimentation and trial and error.

8. Getting the effect you want is a matter of trial and error.

9. Mostly through o-j-t, trial and error, gut feel, and mistakes.

10. I learned most of what I know about gardening through trial and error.

11. In the first one, integration is made a posteriori by trial and error.

12. Designs resulting largely from trial and error remained virtually unchanged over 200 years.

13. After much trial and error, we were able to bring Andrew’s seizures under control.

14. Venter and his team created their organism through a process of trial and error.

15. The forms that I showed before were made actually through very long trial and error.

16. Popper also compares the method of trial and error with dialectics and criticizes Marxist dialectics wrongly.

17. Getting curious about something and diving in and fiddling around and learning through trial and error.

18. After a day of trial and error, triumph and tantrum, our baby's down and milky calm.

19. For one thing, learning only from experience —trial and error— can be both costly and painful.

20. There's no instant way of finding a cure - it's just a process of trial and error.

21. During the first year of the war in Europe, strategic bombing was developed through trial and error.

22. In any case, they were confident these minor bugs could be worked out through trial and error.

23. Rory Botcher is a self-taught barbecue master who learned by trial and error and lots of practice

24. I did the tutorial that came with the package deal and learned a lot through trial and error.

25. The information accumulates incrementally, is tested by experience or trial and error and is frequently transmitted to future

26. Through trial and error you need to establish what times suit you best and then keep to them.

27. Trial and error is the only tool you have to figure out the malevolent logic of Limbo's deathtrap puzzles.

28. 16 I did the tutorial that came with the package deal and learned a lot through trial and error.

29. Now this process of trial and error is actually far more common in successful institutions than we care to recognize.

30. The early use of X-rays and radium for the treatment of cancer was very much a matter of trial and error.

31. In-silico drug screening can thus accelerate the discovery of novel drugs while minimising the trial-and-error approach in a laboratory.

32. People of ancient times discovered many herbal remedies accidentally, by trial and error, or by observing what happened to animals when they ate certain plants.

33. In addition, trial and error for designing and processing the lighting part can be minimized by adjustably constituting the light irradiation angle of each lighting unit.

34. He proposed that central planning boards set prices through "trial and error", making adjustments as shortages and surpluses occur rather than relying on a free price mechanism.

35. And so I fully recognize the trial-and-error nature of life and, most importantly, the constant need of the second principle of the gospel, even repentance.

36. Nominated in 1998 for the Bram Stoker Award, given by the Horror Writers Association, for the one-shot The Dreaming: Trial and Error, from DC's Vertigo imprint.

37. Masayuki: “After being a three-pack-a-day smoker and after much trial and error, I finally put out my last cigarette and said good-bye to tobacco.

38. 10 In both studies, participants remembered the learning context of the target words better if they had been learned through trial-and-error, relative to the errorless condition.

39. 26 This choice can only be made by trial and error method. If some program doesn't work for your blog, remove it and move on to the next one.

40. Because of the absence of validated predictive models, today most ablation materials are developed by an iterative trial-and-error process and are not in line with the latest safety rules.

41. 8 In two separate studies,[] researchers compared the memory benefits of trial-and-error learning (TEL) with errorless learning (EL) in memory exercises with groups of healthy young and older adults.

42. To the extent that a person is willing to pattern his life after God’s Word, he will avoid having to learn by trial and error. —Psalm 119:33; 1 Corinthians 1:19-21.

43. Biologists use math as they plot graphs to help them understand equations, run small “trial and error” tests with some sample numbers when developing algorithms, and use the R project for analyzing protein sequences and structures

44. France - France - Conscription: Building on the Directory’s Conscription law of September 1798, the Napoleonic regime, after considerable trial and error, had created the mechanisms for imposing on the citizens of France and the annexed territories the distasteful obligation of military service

45. If ever the country wishes to have a lingua franca for the entire country , it is this form of Hindi evolved by the people after years of trial and error , which can be readily adopted and may also be acceptable to the people .

46. What a remarkable thing is learning, the process whereby the accumulated knowledge of the centuries has been summarized and filtered so that in a brief period we can learn what was first learned only through long exercises of research and trial and error.

47. Bashed.os is a Home-Invasion Survival game based on trial-and-error, you must search through a hidden Storage Drive given to you by an anonymous source, and on that Storage Drive comes a brand new Operating System, with an interacting world outside of you!