treatable in English


able to be treated, responsive to treatment (especially medical)

Use "treatable" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "treatable" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "treatable", or refer to the context using the word "treatable" in the English Dictionary.

1. This is a treatable condition.

2. Heat treatable coated glass pane

3. People sometimes die of treatable conditions.

4. Addiction is a treatable condition

5. Kleptomania is treatable, but it takes time.

6. Certain forms of cancer are treatable with drugs.

7. And there is precedent for treatable diseases persisting.

8. In its early stages , syphilis is easily treatable .

9. Claustrophobia, like other anxiety disorders, is a treatable condition

10. They are places for acute trauma and treatable illness.

11. Monomelic Amyotrophy is a rare non-treatable musculoskeletal disease

12. Morris said that the pneumonia might be treatable.

13. It is treatable with a six-month course of antibiotics.

14. He had a coronary artery spasm treatable with medication.

15. Crack addiction is also treatable with effective programs and therapies.

16. Many diseases that cannot be completely cured are still treatable.

17. In most cases, some causes are diagnosable and treatable.

18. These are in general extremely indolent and easily treatable cancers.

19. Cholera, a preventable and treatable disease, causes watery diarrhea and vomiting.

20. Abnormal blood counts are common and are often very treatable

21. Gout is one of the most treatable forms of arthritis.

22. Experts say it's treatable if medication is taken as prescribed.

23. Bubonic plague, if caught and treated early, is a treatable disease

24. The disease is treatable but can kill within hours without treatment.

25. The stones are treatable and do not justify discontinuation of the diet.

26. Nf2 is an extremely slow-growing cancer, which makes it very treatable.

27. Many of these are treatable, allowing brain function to return to normal.

28. The condition of the Branchial fistula is not treatable with medicines.

29. MMMNCB can mimick MND but carries a better prognosis and is potentially treatable.

30. Unlike the non-heat treatable aluminum alloys, these heat treatable ones do not Anneal as fully the second or third time through and so some loss of workability must be expected.

31. But inContinence is treatable, so getting your doctor’s advice is the first step.

32. Anxiety disorders are highly treatable, yet only 36.9% of those suffering receive treatment

33. Cataracts is easily treatable, but remains the most common cause of blindness worldwide

34. The same as Morgellens Delusional parasititis is a very real and treatable disease.

35. If decrepitude is driven by an overactive immune system, then it is treatable.

36. The hypercalcemia is easily treatable by hydration and withdrawal of the calcium containing antacids.

37. The report found that most of the deaths were caused by easily treatable diseases.

38. Maybe we would do better to identify how treatable depression differs from intractible depression.

39. Method for heat treating a rolling stock made of a heat-treatable aluminum alloy

40. Burned fingers are often treatable at home with cool water, aloe vera, and pain relievers

41. However, psychological causes are seen as treatable, whereas biological causes mark the individual for life.

42. Method and apparatus for simplified production of heat treatable aluminum alloy castings with artificial self-aging

43. Treatable Bedridden Elderly -Recovery from Flexion Contracture after Cortisol Replacement in a Patient with Isolated Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Deficiency

44. 25 Sacks etal highlighted the importance of prostatic disease as a preventable and treatable cause of renal failure.

45. Luckily, heartburn is often treatable with a range of medicines that can help neutralize or reduce stomach acid.

46. Hopefully, it should see many forms of cancer treatable as simply as popping into hospital for minor surgery.

47. Another worker at the AMI building was treated for Coetaneous anthrax, a treatable variant that appears on the skin

48. The goal of Cervical cancer screening is to find pre-cancer or cancer early when it is more treatable and curable

49. Alopecia areata is a treatable but not fully curable autoimmune disease that occurs when the immune system attacks hair follicles

50. Stress-relief Annealing, partial Annealing, and full Annealing employ the different temperatures and cooling rates specific to each heat treatable alloy