transvaal in English

a former province in northeastern South Africa, north of the Vaal River. Resistance to Britain's annexation of Transvaal in 1877 led to the Boer Wars, after which the Transvaal became a Crown Colony. It became a founding province of the Union of South Africa in 1910 and in 1994 was divided into the provinces of Northern Transvaal, Eastern Transvaal, Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vereeniging, and the eastern part of North-West Province.

Use "transvaal" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "transvaal" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "transvaal", or refer to the context using the word "transvaal" in the English Dictionary.

1. Banket definition is - the auriferous conglomerate rock of the Transvaal.

2. Manticora scabra is a species of tiger beetle native to Mozambique, Transvaal and Zimbabwe.

3. Eloff is no longer a spring chicken - nor is he in control of Northern Transvaal.

4. Ramosena, who actually first heard of the truth while working in the town of Vereeniging, in Transvaal.

5. On 25 October 1900 the Transvaal was annexed.: 1912 : Annexion de l'atoll Palmyra par les États-Unis.

6. Cook has incidentally been given a testimonial season by Transvaal for his outstanding services over a long period.

7. Cythna Letty is best remembered for her book "Wild Flowers of the Transvaal" which was published in 1962.

8. The Machadodorp tuff and agglomerate, which is higher-lying than the Ongeluck lave, is known only from the Eastern Transvaal.

9. Amosite (fibrous grunerite) Amosite is a rare asbestiform variety of grunerite that was mined as asbestos predominantly in the eastern part of the Transvaal Province of South Africa

10. A Burgheress of this Republic." All coloured people are excluded from this provision, and (in accordance with the Grondwet) they may never be given or granted rights of burghership So much for Transvaal

11. “The first signs of acid rain damage are now appearing in the Eastern Transvaal where pine needles are changing from a healthy dark green to a sickly mottled beige,” reports James Clarke in his book Back to Earth.

12. Des efforts sont faits pour une Annexion diplomatique.: Efforts were also made towards a diplomatic annexation of Hungary.: 5A Annexion complète de l'ancienne entité.: 5A complete annexation of the former entity.: 25 octobre 1900 : proclamation de l' Annexion du Transvaal

13. The Boers then resorted to Cajolery, and at a meeting held in August 1870, at which President Pretorius and Paul Kruger represented the Transvaal, invited the Barolong to join their territories with that of the republic, in order to save them from becoming British.

14. Bophuthatswana, (amtelk: Setswana Repabolika ya Bophuthatswana; Lun, diar a Tswana tuuphäält, of kurt: Bop) wiar en homeland uun't nuurdelk Süüdafrikoo.Det wiar sööwen enkelt dialen uun a weesen prowinsen Kapprowins, Transvaal an Oranje-Freistoot.Hoodstääd wiar Mmabatho.Daalang hiar jodiar regiuunen tu a nei prowinsen Nuurdwaast, Gauteng an Mpumalanga.