tragedians in English

an actor who specializes in tragic roles.
It reminded us that some of the zaniest players can play tragedy better than tragedians .

Use "tragedians" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tragedians" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tragedians", or refer to the context using the word "tragedians" in the English Dictionary.

1. Aeschylus was the earliest of the three greatest Greek writers of tragedians

2. Aeschylus (Greek: Αἰσχύλος; 525 BC – 456 BC) was a playwright of ancient Greece, the earliest of the three greatest Greek tragedians, the others being Sophocles and Euripides.

3. The Abridged TLG® provides access to authors such as Homer, Hesiod, Plato, Aristotle, the Greek tragedians and orators that have traditionally been used in college level instruction of Greek

4. Aeschylus (Aiskhylos) is often recognized as the father of tragedy, and is the first of the three early Greek tragedians whose plays survive extant (the other two being Sophocles and Euripides).

5. It may have had a deliberate association with notions of the dignity of antiquity, including the use by classical tragedians of the cothurnus or " Buskin "--the high-heeled boot of the tragic actor, which gave literal superiority of step and posture.

6. ‘The first six odes of Book 3 are sometimes referred to as the Roman Odes, written in stately Alcaics in elevated style on patriotic themes.’ ‘Later, he was taught to turn English verse into Alcaics and sapphics in Horatian style, as well as imitating Virgil, Ovid and the Greek tragedians.’

7. There is a striking moment, unparalleled in its grotesquery and courage, in Aristophanes’s comedy, The Frogs: two groups of dead people engage in a debate regarding the art of the two great tragedians, Aeschylus and Euripides.In order to arbitrate the dispute between the two clans, the judges are obliged to weigh in on the balance of stanzas, imagery, and metaphors between the two rivals.