touchingly in English


in an emotional manne

Use "touchingly" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "touchingly" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "touchingly", or refer to the context using the word "touchingly" in the English Dictionary.

1. He was touchingly naive about sex.

2. We all embrace touchingly and say our farewells.

3. Aunt Polly knelt down and prayed for Tom so touchingly.

4. For all the materialism, trees are still touchingly revered in Japan.

5. He fancied he saw something touchingly innocent in the frightened, sickly little face.

6. Synonyms for Affectionally include earnestly, emotionally, sensitively, controversially, delicately, touchingly, movingly, inflammatorily, contentiously and

7. And yet, touchingly, Nadal felt such sympathy for the man whose dream he kept ruining.

8. But then his honesty about being HIV-positive is touchingly real and anything but theatrical.

9. Rather touchingly, he suggested the names of some professors who had known him at Duke University.

10. On Wednesday she handed in her notice to the managing director, who was touchingly reluctant to accept it.

11. In pointed contrast to this intellectual assurance, the emotional side of her education is touchingly uncertain and halting.

12. I am happy to report that after some danger of an acerbic exchange, I witnessed them later on touchingly together.

13. Nowhere is Freud more touchingly fallible than in his love letters to his fiancee Martha Bernays, which occupy half this book.

14. Home was far away, a distant place that gobbled up whatever I sent back, ignorant and happy but touchingly hungry to know.

15. He was touchingly devoted to the beautiful Nildro-hain; and he evidently had moods of gaiety and a great capacity for enjoyment.

16. His sister, Susannah, conceived through another sperm donor, recently wrote touchingly of her interest in the man who " gave me life and my parents great joy".

17. Use his unique ability to express, Transform his thought, feel into and can be seen touchingly , vision of letting people beat time and highly praise or reading the form.

18. My chilly lips then like a painter's pen kept stroking now touchingly now loomingly on her naked smooth skin, until her dreamy groans flooded my ears and thrilled my heart.

19. He had no idea where she'd found a uniform to fit her, but she was so touchingly earnest, so intent on doing things right and fitting in, that it almost upset him.

20. While some of the emails that landed in my inbox were touchingly kind and generous, many were downright grasping, as young women seized the chance to cash in on another woman's misery and misfortune.

21. The heart of this collection is a touchingly simple version of Mozart's A minor Piano Sonata, Special mention should be made of the organic cantilena in the Andante which she plasy as if in a single breath.