top brass in English

senior office

Use "top brass" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "top brass" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "top brass", or refer to the context using the word "top brass" in the English Dictionary.

1. I can call my top brass.

2. A lot of the top brass are.

3. Have you told the top brass yet?

4. But the top brass is stealing it.

5. Plenty of top brass attended the ceremony.

6. The top brass of the company approved the request.

7. The top brass turned thumbs down on the proposal.

8. But the top brass huddle every single day now.

9. All the top brass was / were at the ceremony.

10. Thus goaded, the top brass launched an unusually serious attack.

11. To defuse future rebellions, reshuffling the top brass may be necessary.

12. The meeting was attended by top diplomats and military top brass.

13. Apparently, all the company's top brass, from Lord Stokes downwards, agreed.

14. The bank's top brass are not likely to agree to this investment.

15. Top brass command post is about a quarter-mile that way, past K.P.

16. The top brass could stuff all their radars, detectors, and what have you.

17. We'd better get the place tidied up; the top brass are coming tomorrow.

18. But the thought of an enemy lurking in battle fighting systems alarms the top brass.

19. Yeah, when Rebecca said that the conspiracy against Naz involved top brass, yeah, I had to.

20. Instead, the auditors found, the money was used to buy new cars for the top brass.

21. He saw the top brass one after the other and noted down his reactions and observations.

22. The only way you kept the top brass in line, reminded them who was the boss.

23. Snake : I follow the President and top brass. I'm ready to die for them if necessary.

24. It was now necessary to give Klepner visibility in front of Cocello and the top brass.

25. More recently, this was made into a luxury hotel for the top brass of the Communist world.

26. Synonyms for Anteriority include antecedence, precedence, antecedency, importance, precedency, priority, front office, executive hierarchy, top brass and upstairs

27. If those difficulties could be smoothed out, he continued, would Stark and his top brass approve the deal?

28. Would this be because she had something to hide, he wondered, or was she inhibited by her clerical top brass.

29. Yesterday we escorted the couple from their Paris hideaway and handed them over to Forces top brass in Colchester, Essex.

30. Gordon Brown's ill-judged appointment of Des Browne in 2006 as defence secretary, doubling the next year as Scottish secretary, alienated some of the top brass.