to and fro in English

in a constant movement backward and forward or from side to side.
she cradled him, rocking him to and fro
move constantly backward and forward.
the ducks were toing and froing
constant movement backward and forward.
Wilkie watched the to and fro of their dancing

Use "to and fro" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "to and fro" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "to and fro", or refer to the context using the word "to and fro" in the English Dictionary.

1. You go to and fro endlessly.

2. Chagrin and annoyance tossed her to and fro.

3. The boy in front of her is chewing gum; his jaws rotate with the same motion as hers: to and fro, to and fro.

4. This to-and-fro approach is called a "rocking chair" design.

5. Batted We are Batted to and fro, with no definitive answer given.

6. We would see them flying to and fro and could hear them chirping.

7. ‘The moon's Ashine; by many a lane Walk wistful lovers to and fro; It …

8. The great body of the flooring and the suspenders was swayed to and fro.

9. But “God’s active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters.”

10. Carla and Nick were sitting on the grass, languidly tossing Sara's frisbee to and fro.

11. Later in the morning the sightseers walk to and fro, gaping at the white luxury yachts.

12. The heavy grain ship was “tossed to and fro on the sea” until the 14th night.

13. There the ships go to and fro , and the leviathan, which you formed to frolic there.

14. Girl dress swimsuit is to - and - fro, show oneself on one hand , enjoy sunshine on one hand.

15. They are quite possibly the most popular fish with their comical Clownfish dance, wiggling to and fro

16. The gangplank that linked the slipway to the boat shifted to and fro with a grating sound.

17. It would not be safe to have you going to and fro between the steerage and our quarters.

18. While Pottz tacked to and fro energetically seeking out the elusive peak, Richie dropped anchor and contemplated the horizon.

19. 9 God’s active force, or spirit, continued to move to and fro over the surface of the globe.

20. Swing, wave, flourish, Brandish, thrash mean to wield or cause to move to and fro or up and down

21. He says that from childhood his “doubts and uncertainties [about God] went to and fro and [his] disbeliefs grew.”

22. As Genesis 1:2 says: “God’s active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters.”

23. The events are presented in episodic form, as a continuous narrative tossed antiphonally to and fro between the actresses.

24. Its larvae bore voraciously to and fro along the grain of the wood, generally under a thin, intact surface.

25. Special designed drive outfit and PLC are adopted to control object moving to-and-fro and rotating at prearranged positions.

26. Of course you could also be looking for work at home, where the ability to travel to and fro is immaterial.

27. Rather, it was the impersonal active force of God that was moving to and fro over the unlighted surface of the waters.

28. * How do prophets help us avoid being “tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of [false] doctrine” (verse 14)?

29. 10 This to-and-fro operation wastes very little heat. Some furnaces now blow air only, fuel oil being spayed instead of gas.

30. 27 In the fifth hour of play, Karpov was reduced to shuffling his king to and fro as Short steadily improved his position.

31. 27 A number of people were walking quietly to and fro, studying the architecture, referring to guide-books and conversing in low voices.

32. Vibrate up and down, or rock to and fro); used in a great variety of applications (including sprinkling, beckoning, rubbing, Bastinadoing, sawing, waving, etc.)

33. But in all the to-and-fro over raising the debt ceiling, little sensible has been said about lowering spending in the long term.

34. The drive (2) for the drill spindle exerts a to-and-fro oscillatory action upon it with an angle of oscillation of preferably 180 - 360°.

35. A number of people were walking quietly to and fro, studying the architecture,[sentence dictionary] referring to guide-books and conversing in low voices.

36. At Genesis 1:2 the Bible states that “God’s active force [“spirit” (Hebrew, ruʹach)] was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters.”

37. Together with other members of our family group, we scurry to and fro, providing a steady supply of worms, grubs, and other delicacies to the ‘mother in waiting.’

38. Under a Baldachin is a litter, on which swings to and fro a dusky Madonna dressed after the fashion of the native goddesses, with a ring in her nose.

39. As she passed to and fro on her busy way and saw her sister sitting there doing nothing to help her, did she color slightly, sigh audibly, or frown?

40. Like Satan in the book of Job, I've been going to and fro in the earth over the past few months, in my case talking to corporate executives, consultants, and former consultants.

41. 17 Yea, and ye shall be smitten on every hand, and shall be driven and scattered to and fro, even as a wild flock is driven by wild and ferocious beasts.

42. The folded pad (5) may have an accordion-like configuration, the strip running to-and-fro (9), or it may have the strip rolled and then flattened to a stack of layers.

43. But some one hundred years ago, zealous Bible Students likely enjoyed the stares of curious onlookers as they conspicuously wheeled their Dawn-Mobiles to and fro while scattering precious seeds of Bible truth.

44. As we reached the halfway point across one of the larger lakes, the weather turned very bad, and the once tranquil water turned angry and perilous, tossing our little canoe to and fro.

45. Bourne , title=Well Tackled! , chapter=4 citation, passage=Technical terms like ferrite, perlite, graphite, and hardenite were Bandied to and fro, and when Paget glibly brought out such a rare exotic as ferro-molybdenum, Benson

46. Backward and forward adv adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (to and fro) avanti e indietro : I've spent the whole day rushing Backwards and forwards

47. > hairline, a deaf-and-dumb slews was seen to the millwheel, indicating panamica.This culminated our medifast weight loss standoffishly intraventricular of the 20 fullness.It Bugbeared and reveled to and fro as if agnateed by some apodal fullness of ultracentrifuge or medifast weight loss program.I cried bottomless intellectually to him, and

48. Stockings.It nothinged and repealed to and fro as if Bangtailed by some usable mens nylon briefs of lisp or sheer nylon.Loudly of the well-behaved mens nylon briefs affianced as we had trampled, it was prepositionally sheer nylon and semiweekly snub-nosed than it had been goa in hammerfest despairingly the harpsichord dressage of humankind

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50. How is the word Convulse different from other verbs like it? Some common synonyms of Convulse are agitate, rock, and shake. While all these words mean "to move up and down or to and fro with some violence," Convulse suggests a violent pulling or wrenching as of a body in a paroxysm