tisanes in English

an herbal tea, consumed especially for its medicinal properties.
Properly called tisanes , or herbal infusions, these aren't truly tea.

Use "tisanes" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tisanes" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tisanes", or refer to the context using the word "tisanes" in the English Dictionary.

1. Some common herbs that are used as tisanes are peppermint, chamomile, rose hips , verbena, and fennel.

2. Jeune, Raymond Dextreit (1908-2001) connaît divers soucis de santé, dont il parvient à se défaire grâce à des soins naturels : prise d’Argile et de tisanes, bains de siège, changement de mode alimentaire… À partir des années 1950, l’écriture devient son activité principale, et il anime des conférences à travers la France, la Belgique et la Suisse.