tinct in English


Use "tinct" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tinct" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tinct", or refer to the context using the word "tinct" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Brachiopods constitute a dis­tinct group of lophophorate coelomates

2. \ , * & & & * ’ & & & ,*©Hr 3 mtrttal tinct Beblear No Paper Published in this Locality Equals the Journal and Review s Circulation in Aiken Countv 12 PAGES VOL

3. Baddeleyite occurs as rounded pebbles sometimes called "favas de zirconio!' In the trade, the term "Baddeleyite" refers to the variety that occurs as dis­ tinct crystals, and the term "brazilite" applies to the fibrous, botryoidal or columnar form

4. Instantaneously Into a Apoious eoiislstonoy 60 very flno as to lomaln smpeiulod In tho air llko smoko, and can bo Inhaled and bioiiRlit In direct contact with tho whole lesplratory tinct, fiom tho smallest cavity In tho head and nasal passages to tho most remote air-cells of the huijjs, without tho slightest pain or discomfort, lly means of