timidly in English


shyly, bashfully; fearfully

Use "timidly" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "timidly" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "timidly", or refer to the context using the word "timidly" in the English Dictionary.

1. CK 1 2235979 Tom Approached timidly

2. "Um, excuse me, " he said timidly.

3. The child glanced at his angry father timidly.

4. Ming - feng timidly approached shyly . " Third Young Master,'she called gently.

5. I saw your making a fist no loer timidly.

6. Alice went timidly up to the door, and knocked.

7. The little boy stepped forward timidly and shook Leo's hand.

8. This wealthy king did not wade into them timidly.

9. She knocked timidly on the study door and entered.

10. 16 The fawn timidly say:An Niang said, tattoo of is all juvenile delinquent.

11. She smiled and, without a word, timidly handed me a magazine.

12. " It's about Wei - cheng and Ching - shan , " he said timidly.

13. Bright - eyed mice crept back to their tiny homes and nestled timidly together.

14. On an impulse he put one in his mouth and bit timidly.

15. A number of these states are moving timidly towards multi-party democracy.

16. " Yes, " Chin replied timidly. She explained, " There's nothing wrong with it.

17. Standing timidly before the teacher, the girl cast down her eyes.

18. By and by, Margaret timidly stole near him, as if waiting to console.

19. The awestruck birds gazed at Wonder. Slowly, timidly, they rose into the air.

20. The fawn timidly say:An Niang said, tattoo of is all juvenile delinquent.

21. On the evening the girl kept herself timidly aloof from the crowd.

22. She stopped and looked at me timidly, but the light in her eyes was warm.

23. She tapped timidly on the door. 'Come in!' boomed a deep voice from inside.

24. But last week the Obama administration timidly ducked that task, fearing a political firestorm.

25. She looked up and then said timidly that she was happy but also sad.

26. I slipped out, while Lindon was engaged in timidly rebuilding the advances of a friendly sheep - dog.

27. Synonyms for Circumspectly include gingerly, cautiously, carefully, charily, suspiciously, warily, delicately, guardedly, hesitantly and timidly

28. Kay said timidly, " I came to ask about Mike, I haven't heard from him. Mgr.

29. 'Would you tell me,'said Alice, a little timidly,'why you are painting those roses?'

30. She touched his elbow so timidly that he thought it must have been accidental.

31. One by one the other Elders now timidly rise with innocuous requests, which Rahm receives warmly.

32. When the Savior asked for the mourners to remove the stone from the sepulchre, Martha timidly whispered to Him, “Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days” (John 11:39).