time capsule in English

a container storing a selection of objects chosen as being typical of the present time, buried for discovery in the future.
On Monday, they'll bury a time capsule containing work from every child in the school - to be reopened in 2013.

Use "time capsule" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "time capsule" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "time capsule", or refer to the context using the word "time capsule" in the English Dictionary.

1. A time capsule.

2. Legislative Time Capsule.

3. Wow, it's like a time capsule.

4. A time capsule of Kentucky's beauty.

5. It truly is a time capsule.

6. There are two modes to the time capsule.

7. We dug up a time capsule in our backyard.

8. You're sure it's the time capsule from last year?

9. Do you remember the day your students buried the time capsule?

10. Are you the only one with a key to the time capsule?

11. Apart from the time capsule, there were many sections in the exhibition.

12. That was buried as part of a time capsule 50 years ago.

13. They plan to Bury a time capsule containing work from every child in the school

14. Anatolian tribal carpets are like a time capsule that gives us a glimpse into human history

15. Your donations should be sent to Oxford Preservation Trust, and you will be sent the time capsule.

16. The International Time Capsule Society was created to maintain a global database of all existing time capsules.

17. A time capsule containing personal messages of hope for the next generation will be buried during closing ceremonies.

18. What could be in the time capsule that's so valuable a principal would wanna close his own school?

19. Your donations should be sent to Oxford Preservation Trust, and you will be sent the time capsule. Sentencedict.com

20. Amber Gemstone is an Organic gem, once-living organisms & biological processes, containing plant fragments creating a fascinating time capsule.

21. The new exhibition areas will allow the Trust to display even more of the contents of this remarkable time capsule.

22. Going down there was like entering a time capsule, and I came out with a different sense of myself in time.

23. But under the Taylor Glacier on the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, near a place called Blood Falls, scientists have discovered a time capsule of bacterial activity.

24. Archive.today is a time capsule for web pages! It takes a 'snapshot' of a webpage that will always be online even if the original page disappears

25. Looking for the Soul of Abkhazia Isolated since a bloody 1992 conflict with Georgian troops, Abkhazia is like a time capsule, still dependent on Russian tourist dollars

26. The time capsule holds items chosen by President Ford's daughter, Susan Ford Bales, and includes sandstone from the White House, Navy coins, and aviator wings from the ship's first commanding officer.

27. The ice on Themis 24 could be a sort of time capsule from the early solar system and could be similar to the ice that may have arrived on Earth from asteroids during the Heavy Bombardment.

28. The Arabia Steamboat Museum is a unique Kansas City attraction: a time capsule of life on the American frontier in the mid-19th century, and the largest single collection of pre-Civil War artifacts in the world.

29. Behold plays like an audio time capsule built of saxes, trombones and other horns (even tubas!), upright bass, brushes on drums, mellow sounding hollow body guitars, and vocals that are rich and distinctive but still somehow laid-back in their feel

30. Beating Back the Images Burned on Our Brainpans: A Review of Jane Satterfield’s Apocalypse Mix May 27, 2018 in Reviews tagged Emari DiGiorgio by Kristina Marie Darling Jane Satterfield’s Apocalypse Mix is a time capsule of the pre-Trump global political landscape that documents the ways in which the military-industrial complex has been