thumped in English

hit (someone or something) heavily, especially with the fist or a blunt implement.
Holman thumped the desk with his hand
synonyms:hitstrikebeatbatterpoundknockrapsmackthwackpummelpunchthrashcuffbox someone's earsbashbopcloutclobbersockswipesluglashwhackwallopbeat the (living) daylights out ofbelttanlay intolet someone have itwhupsmite

Use "thumped" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "thumped" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "thumped", or refer to the context using the word "thumped" in the English Dictionary.

1. She thumped the cushion flat.

2. She thumped her hand on the witness box.

3. His feet thumped loudly on the bare boards.

4. Dave thumped the table in frustration .

5. 1 Dave thumped the table in frustration .

6. She thumped the table with her fist.

7. He thumped the lectern as he spoke.

8. He thumped out a tune on the piano.

9. The rhythm of the rock music thumped relentlessly.

10. He thumped my shoulder affectionately, nearly knocking me over.

11. 28 A rupture of bise is thumped, shuddering of his shoulder subconscious trembles.

12. Jim Magilton thumped one home and in the dressing room.

13. He was so angry that he thumped the table with his fist.

14. His heart thumped painfully and joyously as his eye caught the words.

15. She thumped the discarded log book with the back of her hand.

16. Choke with • Deaton, red and almost Choked with fury, thumped the table

17. Toch Crabbed down the slope, raised his obsidian-studded club, and thumped Kab repeatedly

18. Synonyms for Bashed include hit, hat, hitten, struck, stricken, thumped, smacked, knocked, punched and slapped

19. Democracy barely counts, as even parties thumped at the ballot box return to office.

20. If some one was beastly to me and I mentioned it, she thumped them.

21. Synonyms for Blipped include smacked, hit, hat, hitten, struck, stricken, thumped, punched, knocked and wallopped

22. Synonyms for Clouted include hit, hat, hitten, slapped, struck, stricken, punched, smacked, socked and thumped

23. Synonyms for Clunked include clumped, clomped, clonked, clopped, plodded, pounded, stomped, thudded, thumped and tromped

24. Synonyms for Bonked include hit, hitten, punched, struck, stricken, knocked, slapped, smacked, thumped and bashed

25. Synonyms for Bammed include wallopped, walloped, hit, hat, hitten, struck, stricken, pounded, thumped and banged

26. Synonyms for Buffeted include pounded, thumped, beat, beaten, belted, wallopped, walloped, bashed, thrashed and battered

27. His heart thumped as he made this audacious declaration , that he almost choked in uttering it.

28. or, at a ball game, thumped your friend's back and exchanged blows meant to be codes for affection;

29. The bullets thumped into the wet blanket in front of me, making it jump like there was a bear inside.

30. As Babbitt sank blissfully into a dim warm tide, the paper-carrier went by whistling, and the rolled-up Advocate thumped the front door.

31. Finally he returned to the pawnbroker's, and, having thumped vigorously upon the pavement with his stick two or three times, he went up to the door and knocked.

32. May 1, 2011 Bumped and Thumped megan “Dystopias don’t have to be dreary to be provocative…[Bumped is] uncomfortable, scandalous, and not easily forgotten—there’s little doubt that’s exactly what McCafferty is going for.”–Publishers Weekly.