the news spread quickly in English

it didn't take long until everyone heard the news

Use "the news spread quickly" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "the news spread quickly" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "the news spread quickly", or refer to the context using the word "the news spread quickly" in the English Dictionary.

1. 19 The news spread as quickly as the horrendous fire which engulfed the fallen plane.

2. The pests spread quickly in these regions.

3. News of the explosion spread swiftly.

4. The news of victory spread apace.

5. The news spread all over Japan.

6. The rebellion spread quickly through the Western Provinces.

7. The story quickly spread throughout the Kaspi district.

8. The news spread by word of mouth.

9. The flames quickly spread and engulfed their home.

10. The news has spread far and wide.

11. Spread the Good News of Undeserved Kindness

12. His sexy scandal was quickly spread about.

13. Public Talks Spread the Good News in Ireland

14. Aided by heat and strong winds, the fire quickly spread.

15. It seems to spread under the radar very, very quickly.

16. The fire spread quickly via stairways to engulf the entire building.

17. He quickly unfolded the blankets and spread them on the mattress.

18. These mathematical techniques quickly spread into many private enterprises.

19. A spore can quickly spread and form a mould.

20. Many agreed with Luther, and the Reformation quickly spread throughout Europe.

21. The philosophy that there is no God or Buddha quickly spread.

22. Would you spread the news about that he is coming?

23. Fear spread through the crowd like a contagion , ie quickly and harmfully.

24. Then signal fires or messengers spread the news, even reaching here.

25. The news of their affair was spread by word of mouth.