the jungle of life in English

the jungle as symbolic of the wild nature of life, life as a jungle-like place without civilized rules, survival of the fittest, law of the jungle

Use "the jungle of life" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "the jungle of life" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "the jungle of life", or refer to the context using the word "the jungle of life" in the English Dictionary.

1. She gave a thrilling account of her life in the jungle.

2. The ghost of the jungle.

3. The Dark Jungle.

4. It's the law of the jungle.

5. We recited the law of the jungle.

6. The lion is king of the jungle.

7. Brave Lions, kings of the jungle!

8. This is the law of the jungle...

9. This is the law of the jungle.

10. The word Boscage means jungle, and the jungle is where animals run free

11. Rain is the lifeblood of every jungle.

12. The lion is the king of the jungle.

13. He was dressed in starched jungle fatigues and polished jungle boots.

14. At the edge of the jungle, he stopped.

15. Mostly it's the bureaucratic jungle.

16. Tigers live in the jungle.

17. Tigers are found in the jungle of Asia.

18. But nothing Blunt faced in Jungle Cruise compared to her scariest run-in with nature in real life

19. Bazukas also appear in two jungle levels, Jungle Jeopardy and Tropical Tightropes

20. Either side of the river is dense, impenetrable jungle.

21. The lion is often called the king of the jungle.

22. Weapons aren't everything in the jungle.

23. The tiger prowled through the jungle.

24. The jungle swallowed up the explorers.

25. To the east are great swathes of Amazonian jungle.