the inevitable hour in English

time of death

Use "the inevitable hour" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "the inevitable hour" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "the inevitable hour", or refer to the context using the word "the inevitable hour" in the English Dictionary.

1. • Progresses to inevitable abortion in approximately 50% of cases Inevitable Abortion

2. You have to accept the inevitable.

3. The scandal made her resignation inevitable.

4. However, acrimony is inevitable.

5. Is the destruction of the world inevitable?

6. Some shrinkage of the industry is inevitable.

7. Are these the inevitable and permanent outcomes?

8. The inevitable happened-I forgot my passport.

9. Abrupt Climate Change: Inevitable Surprises.

10. 15 The factory closure is seemingly inevitable.

11. Namely, the inevitable decline of pagan myth.

12. She bowed to the inevitable and resigned.

13. Nobody can imperturbable acceptance of the inevitable.

14. Catabolic capitalism is not inevitable

15. In marriage, disagreements are inevitable.

16. We met hour after hour after hour in the Pentagon

17. Some pursue riches and reap the inevitable consequences.

18. 7 'It's just delaying the inevitable,' he said.

19. The abolition of the transfer system is inevitable.

20. A rise in the interest rates seems inevitable.

21. The eclipse of the ruling political party was inevitable.

22. The result is an inevitable imbalance within the workplace.

23. The defeat had inevitable consequences for British policy.

24. Nancy braced herself for the inevitable arguments.

25. It was an inevitable consequence of the decision.