the division plan in English

plan to divide Israel between Jews and Arabs

Use "the division plan" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "the division plan" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "the division plan", or refer to the context using the word "the division plan" in the English Dictionary.

1. (940) 474-7000 Ankylopodia Division personnel during the preliminary plan

2. The primordial cell and its division as the origin of life constitute the Allegorized architect’s plan for the entrance building

3. Papagos had reluctantly approved Katsimitros's plan, after sending Colonel Drakos as a new chief of staff in the division, who after careful study of the area, also agreed with the plan.

4. training division, the methodological division and the division of accountability and analysis.

5. A COBOL program is split into four divisions: the identification division, the environment division, the data division and the procedure division.

6. Banzais; Division Schedule; Division Results; Teams; Spares; Division Rankings; Division Stats; Next Match

7. Investment Management Division, Banking Division, Corporate Finance Division.

8. Apportion definition is - to divide and share out according to a plan; especially : to make a proportionate division or distribution of

9. Exiting Cargoes come from such units as the 1st Armored Division, the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), the 82nd Airborne Division, and the 4th Infantry Division

10. The AAS today has over 7,000 members and six divisions - the Division for Planetary Sciences (1968), the Division on Dynamical Astronomy (1969), the High Energy Astrophysics Division (1969), the Solar Physics Division (1969), the Historical Astronomy Division (1980) and the Laboratory Astrophysics Division (2012).

11. Himmler's Bosnian Division: The Waffen-SS Handschar Division 1943-1945

12. Or the division of the district or zip code division, more scientific.

13. She became Division Leader of the Chemistry and Nuclear Chemistry Division (Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division) in 1979.

14. Cytokinesis refers to the division of the cytoplasm during cell division (mitosis)

15. Cytokinesis The division of the cytoplasm after nuclear division ( mitosis or meiosis ).

16. The elaborate division to microfacieses can help us to realize deposition of subaqueous fan and the distribution of remaining oil, and adjust the development plan to oil field.

17. But God’s plan is the plan of happiness, not the plan of misery!

18. 4 Cytokinesis The division of the cytoplasm after nuclear division ( mitosis or meiosis ).

19. [6] Family RANUNCULACEAE Systematic Position : - Sub- division - Angiospermal Division

20. April 1979, Division Chief Division 370 Air Force establishment.

21. Division of Management and Administration, and Programme Support Division

22. Running the finance division.

23. Cytokinesis [ sī′tō-kə-nē ′sĭs, -kī- ] The division of the cytoplasm of a cell following the division of the nucleus during cell division

24. Civil Division C: Courtroom 407: Watch: Civil Division Exparte: Courtroom 129: Watch: Civil Division Motions/ITA: Courtroom 127: Watch: Civil Division WSH: Western State Hospital

25. The Italian 3rd Alpine Division Julia (Julia Division) invaded Greece from the Pindus sector.