tethys in English

a goddess of the sea, daughter of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth).
a satellite of Saturn, the ninth closest to the planet, discovered by Cassini in 1684. It is probably composed mainly of ice and has a diameter of 659 miles (1,060 km).
an ocean formerly separating the supercontinents of Gondwana and Laurasia, the forerunner of the present-day Mediterranean.

Use "tethys" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tethys" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tethys", or refer to the context using the word "tethys" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Paleo-Tethys had closed from west to east, creating the Cimmerian Orogeny.

2. Earlier craters made before Tethys solidified were probably all erased by geological activity before then.

3. Amphitrite is the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys or Nereus and Doris and wife of Poseidon

4. The Tethys Sea connecting the tropical oceans east to west also helped to warm the global climate.

5. The Alpine orogeny caused extensive folding and faulting of Mesozoic and early Tertiary sediments from the Tethys geosyncline.

6. They are a colourful sequence of strata, which reflect the alternation between the advancing and retreating Tethys sea.

7. This took the form of a giant "Pac-Man" with an east-facing "mouth" constituting the Tethys sea, a vast gulf that opened farther westward in the mid-Triassic, at the expense of the shrinking Paleo-Tethys Ocean, an ocean that existed during the Paleozoic.

8. 'So much for a simple thank you, ' Tethys thought sulkily . But all she said was, "Does it matter so much to you?"

9. Basilosaurus (bas-ill-oh-sore-us) was a genus of large predatory whale that is known from the United States and regions that were formerly the Tethys Ocean

10. Sometimes it was connected with other shallow seas, such as the sea above the Paris Basin to the south-west, the Paratethys Sea to the south-east, or the Tethys Ocean to the south.

11. Analysis of the affinities of terrestrial vertebrates and plants in the northern and southern hemispheres from early Mesozoic times onwards ought to throw light on the changing positions of the continents and varying role of Tethys as a marine barrier.

12. This sponge fauna has clear Tethyan affinities and indicates the existence of connection between Paratethys and Tethys during the latest Burdigalian, as well as the presence of open marine, deep-water, bathyal conditions in this part of the Vienna Basin.

13. Image/svg+xml Wichtige Störung Über-/Aufschiebung Blattverschiebung Abschiebung Falten-Überschiebungs-Gürtel Neogenes Becken Neogene Ozeankruste Tethys-zeitliche Ozeankruste Plattenvektor Krustenbewegung Ozeanboden-bildung Legende Atlas Rif Betiden Iberiasche Platte Pyrenäen Apenninen Elburs Zagros Taurus Anatolische Platte Pontisches Gebirge Rhodopen …

14. On the submerged continental fragments of the Western Tethys, a distinctive assemblage of small-sized Agglutinated foraminifera has been described from Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene deep-water limestones in Italy, Spain (Kuhnt, 1990; Kuhnt & Kaminski, 1989, 1990), and from the Pieniny Klippen Belt in Poland (Bąk, 2000).