terns in English

a seabird related to the gulls, typically smaller and more slender, with long pointed wings and a forked tail.
Around the rocky shores sea birds such as gulls, terns , cormorants, gannets and puffins nested in the cliffs and dunes.
a set of three, especially three lottery numbers that when drawn together win a large prize.
There were additional prizes for winning sequences of numbers, three in a row being a tern and four a quatern.

Use "terns" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "terns" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "terns", or refer to the context using the word "terns" in the English Dictionary.

1. Arctic terns.

2. Arctic terns are medium-sized birds.

3. Fairy terns are permanent residents.

4. The terns have drawn blood from his muzzle.

5. There are seagulls, he says, and terns and storks and cockatoos.

6. We have publicised the plight of arctic terns, seals, badgers and intensively reared animals.

7. Sidel examines pat terns of Bossism at the municipal, district, provincial, and national levels, dissecting

8. With white plumage gleaming, terns hover, tails fanned, slim red beaks pointing down towards the water.

9. 2 Another puzzle is where the roseate terns fly for food during the summer on Falkner Island.

10. The downy chicks of terns and gulls are so patterned that they are almost invisible crouching on shingle.

11. The Bay Area has its own terns, seven species that nest or winter here or pass through in migration.

12. 25 The downy chicks of terns and gulls are so patterned that they are almost invisible crouching on shingle.

13. After the local police were alerted, a man was apprehended suspected to be disturbing the terns and collecting their eggs.

14. Fishing continues around the clock as the terns race to rear their young before the return of the freeze.

15. 11 We also counted several roseate terns flying south – but why south, we wondered, when there is no land that way?

16. A total of 17 different groups of seabirds were taken into account, including: loons, grebes, fulmars and petrels, shearwaters, pelicans, cormorants, shorebirds, gulls and kittawakes, terns, skimmers, and Alcids

17. 7 Female roseate terns sometimes mate with each other for life, allowing themselves to be fertilised by males, but making nests and bringing up their young together.

18. On the nearby marsh, where salt and fresh water channels mix, terns, avocets and marsh harriers are Buoyed by mid-flight coastal breezes, to the delight of wildlife watchers.

19. ‘Arctic terns, Mew gulls, scaup, shoveler, buffleheads, Baldpates, yellow legs and various passerines were observed.’ ‘Examples of dabbling ducks are the mallards, cinnamon teals, shovellers, green and blue-winged teals, pintails, black ducks, Baldpates and gadwalls.’